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  • December 5, 2024
Phishing campaign useful Recovery function of Microsoft Word, 8com GmbH & Co. KG, Story

Phishing campaign useful Recovery function of Microsoft Word, 8com GmbH & Co. KG, Story

Most Computer Nutzers know the model: the human has done more research on a document and then hangs up the program or research. Nothing more and a man can no longer wage war, it may be that there is no more war. In this situation, Microsoft Word’s recovery function is practical. Open the program, frag a pop-up, where you can find the date you can set. So man as I am, the fall is now lost, but the combined document is no longer available.

When cybercriminals use this hilarious feature for your phishing campaign, messages will be sent. When you experience the scary, brazen dates, you can concern yourself with privacy and the bonuses or other things you can do with your personal livelihood.

In this campaign, documents appear in all base64 code Zeichenfolge “IyNURVhUTlVNUkFORE9NNDUjIw”, which is sent to “##TEXTNUMRANDOM45##”. If you use a familiar word, if the date is described, it is “unlesbaren Inhalt” in the date the data was funded, and there is a good chance that these wiederrecoveries are possible.

It seems that the phishing documents are so embarrassed that they can no longer be executed, but the security software cannot be used. When the document is requested by the person, a QR code can be scanned, another document will be displayed. For the sister Glaubwürdigkeit, the document with the external logo of the versions offered is available. While scanning QR codes, the warnings are displayed on a Phishing website. If you log in to Microsoft Login, you can consult the bets and register users.

The risk of damage to Word documents is a new trend in the form of cybercriminals. In addition, the safety instructions can no longer be implemented when inhaling the document. So it is possible that the Security Police contains an additional document with the virus and all antivirus programs go green or could not analyze the date at all. If you are looking for a liar, you cannot find malware or other malicious codes in the document, but a QR code is not available.

Make sure you are concerned about the rules of the phishing problem. Zum Beispiel sollten niemals Anhänge aus de E-Mails unbekannter Absender geöffnet we. No personal details have appeared on the website, the man who provides hyperlinks in emails is unavailable.