
Police: William Penn man caught siphoning gas in garbage yard

Police: William Penn man caught siphoning gas in garbage yard

WILLIAM PENN – A William Penn man was briefly held at gunpoint when he was caught siphoning gasoline from vehicles at a salvage yard, West Mahanoy Township police said.

Shane Brode, 45, of 28 Mt. Olive Blvd., faces several misdemeanor theft and trespassing charges for the incident.

According to the criminal complaint filed by Patrolman Mark Hysock, police were called to the Bykowsky Automotive salvage yard around 7 p.m. on April 22.

The homeowner was installing cameras in the yard and reported hearing a “ruckus under a vehicle.”

Underneath the vehicle, he reported, was Brode with two large gasoline cans and two siphon hoses.

The owner held Brode at gunpoint until police arrived.

Brode told police “he just needed gas,” according to the complaint.

Four separate vehicles had open gas caps and the garage was secured earlier in the day as there had been issues with theft.

The yard is completely fenced and the yard owner said Brode gained access via the abandoned railroad tracks at the rear of the property, jumping over the fence.

A preliminary hearing is set for May 16.

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