
Mental health and stress: main reasons why students consider leaving

Mental health and stress: main reasons why students consider leaving

Story Highlights

  • About a third of students have considered quitting in the past six months
  • Mental health and stress are the main reasons why students consider quitting smoking
  • Female students more likely to drop out due to mental health issues and stress

WASHINGTON, DC – Thirty-five percent of students nationwide say they have considered dropping out of their program in the past six months. The main reason students give for leaving higher education is their wellbeing, with 54% reporting emotional stress and 43% reporting mental health reasons. The percentage of students saying emotional stress put them at risk of continuing their education more than doubled between 2020 and 2021 and remains high compared to other factors. Cost remains the third most important reason students consider dropping out of their program, at 31%.


The latest results come from Lumina Foundation-Gallup State of Higher Education 2024 Study, conducted from Oct. 9 to Nov. Dec. 16, 2023, via an online survey of 14,032 current and prospective students. This includes 6,015 students currently enrolled in a postsecondary program (certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degree), 5,012 adults previously enrolled in a program who did not complete a degree, and 3,005 adults who were never enrolled in a school or program. . Gallup surveyed all groups via an opt-in online panel.

Emotional stress and mental health problems highest among undergraduate students

About two-thirds of baccalaureate students who have considered interrupting their studies (67%) say emotional stress caused them to consider leaving, and 56% cite personal reasons related to mental health. Mental health problems and emotional stress are slightly more common among bachelor’s degree students than associate degree students, although about half of students pursuing their associate degree also report emotional stress and health mental health as reasons why they considered dropping out of their program. Far fewer certified or industry-certified students who have thought about stopping their courses mention emotional stress or mental health. The reasons given by students for leaving their programs remained relatively consistent over the years in each program type.


Female students are also more likely to report that they have considered leaving their institution for wellness reasons. Sixty-four percent of female students say they have considered stopping their studies due to emotional stress, compared to 37% of men. Similarly, 52% of women have considered dropping out of their program for mental health reasons, compared to 27% of men.


The overall decline in well-being began before the pandemic, and COVID-19 has only exacerbated these challenges. Unfortunately, Gallup finds that lower levels of happiness, as well as increased negative emotions, persist after the pandemic. In fact, the World Happiness Report confirms that the United States lost its place among the 20 happiest countries for the first time in the publication’s 12-year history, and that the decline is partly due to declining happiness among young people. These increased levels of stress, anxiety, and worry and overall lower levels of well-being present a significant challenge for institutions focused on student retention and, ultimately, degree or degree completion. of a diploma.

As colleges and universities report increasing investments in programs designed to alleviate students’ personal mental health concerns and emotional stress, findings from the Lumina-Gallup State of Higher Education Study confirm that mental health and stress remain the main reasons why students struggle. to remain registered. Much remains to be done to ensure that institutions retain currently enrolled students while working hard to attract new students amid ongoing concerns about U.S. enrollment trends

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