
Daily yoga: consider doing these asanas to relieve the symptoms of vertigo

Daily yoga: consider doing these asanas to relieve the symptoms of vertigo

People with vertigo feel like they are actually spinning or moving, or like the world is “revolving around them.” It is quite common and affects people of different age groups. Read on to find out how yoga can offer a solution.

Practicing certain yoga poses can help by working on the nervous system, increasing blood circulation and oxygen supply to the head and other parts of the body. (Photo: Freepik)

Yoga asanas against vertigo: As we’ve mentioned in several of our previous editorials, yoga is an important part of everyday fitness. You need to find time to do simple asanas daily which can solve many health problems, including dizziness. According to, vertigo is a “sensation of movement or rotation,” often described as “dizziness.” It’s not the same as being dizzy. In fact, people with vertigo feel like they are spinning or moving, or like the world is “revolving around them.” It is quite common and affects people of different age groups. Read on to find out how yoga can offer a solution.

According to Anshuka Parwani, an expert in yoga and holistic well-being, the practice of some yoga poses can help someone by working on their nervous system, increasing blood circulation and oxygen supply to the head and other parts of the body. It can help counteract the vertigo effect by helping to regain balance and concentration.

The expert took to Instagram to demonstrate some yoga asanas, explaining that whenever one feels like their world is spinning, they can try these poses to get back on their feet. Look at.

Legs raised on the wall/Viparita Karani

Lie on the floor and gently lift your legs to rest them against a wall. Do not bend your knees. Relax your body and place your arms at your sides. Stay in this position for a while.

Camel Pose/Ustrasana

Place your weight on your knees and bend them on the mat. While keeping them bent, place your hands on the heels and stretch your upper body and neck back. It opens the chest muscles and helps in solving the problem of dizziness.

Plow Pose/Halasana

This is an asana that can take a little time to master. Lie on the yoga mat and lift your legs without bending your knees. Try bringing them up to your head and touching the floor, as shown in the video. Lock your arms as instructed by the yoga expert and hold this position.

Seated Forward Fold/Paschimottanasana

Try touching your feet while bending your body forward; try not to bend your knee.

Child’s Pose/Balasana

Get on all fours. Then bend your knees to stretch your thighs. Keep some space between your legs. Bend your upper body forward, stretching your arms. Place your head on the mat. Maintain this posture.

Practice these yoga asanas every day to see a difference. Would you like to try?