
Should You Consider Paycom Software, Inc. (NYSE: PAYC)?

Should You Consider Paycom Software, Inc. (NYSE: PAYC)?

As an investor, I look for investments that do not compromise one fundamental factor for the benefit of another. By that I mean I look at stocks holistically, from their financial health to their future prospects. In the case of Paycom Software, Inc. (NYSE: PAYC), it is a company with strong financial health as well as dynamic growth prospects. Below I’ve covered some key aspects that you need to know at a high level. For those who want to dig a little deeper into my commentary, take a look at the report on Paycom Software here.

Exceptional growth potential with a flawless track record

PAYC is an attractive stock for growth-seeking investors, with expected earnings growth of 23% over the coming year. This bottom-line growth is reinforced by an impressive 52% revenue growth over the same period, providing a sustainable driver of high-quality profits, as opposed to pure cost-cutting activities. PAYC’s ability to maintain an adequate level of cash flow to meet future obligations is a good sign for its financial health. This indicates that PAYC has sufficient cash flow and appropriate cash management, which is a crucial insight into the health of the company. PAYC appears to have made good use of its debt, generating operating cash levels equivalent to 5.3 times total debt over the last year. It is also a good indication of whether the debt is adequately covered by the company’s cash flow.

NYSE:PAYC Future earnings January 30, 2019NYSE:PAYC Future earnings January 30, 2019

NYSE:PAYC Future earnings January 30, 2019

Next steps:

For Paycom Software, I have compiled three relevant aspects that you should look into:

  1. Historical performance: How have PAYC performed in the past? Go into more detail into the past track record analysis and take a look at the free visual representations of our analysis for greater clarity.

  2. Assessment: What is PAYC worth today? Is the stock undervalued, even when its growth prospects are factored into its intrinsic value? The Intrinsic Value infographic in our free research report helps visualize whether PAYC is currently mispriced by the market.

  3. Other Attractive Alternatives : Are there other whole stocks you could hold instead of PAYC? Explore our interactive list of high potential titles to get an idea of ​​what you may be missing!

To help readers see beyond the short-term volatility of the financial market, we aim to bring you focused long-term research analysis based solely on fundamental data. Note that our analysis does not take into account the latest announcements from price-sensitive companies.

The author is an independent contributor and, at the time of publication, had no position in any stocks mentioned. For errors that require correction, please contact the editor at [email protected].