
The emails I’ve received keep me energized…and confused!

The emails I’ve received keep me energized…and confused!

(Columnist’s note: It’s the end of the first term, so I need to clean out my message file. Aside from a few personal tropes, I’ve decided to provide a sample of comments that keep me energized and often confused …)

Mr. Holt, for the second time in recent months, you have used the sexist, misleading and insulting example of a chicken egg to promote the painful and upsetting practice of abortion.

Your attempt at humor fails and oversimplifies the tragic medical procedure. While your example is a tiny bit relevant, it pales in comparison to the inevitable insensitivity of comparing a fetus to an egg.


(For the record, I wasn’t trying to be humorous. Nor was I trying to be facetious. While I support a woman’s right to control her body, I think we’ve oversimplified what some consider a matter of life and death.

And I find this disingenuous in that those who criticize those opposed to abortion as self-righteous have no respect for their religious orientation. Believe it or not, there are moderate Muslims and Christians who believe in the sanctity of human life, and not all of them are right-wing conservatives.)

Meaning Holt,

I agree with many of your points in your column on the referendum; the only problem you failed to mention is that our children deserve more money. In fact, they’re behind, as you say, because of inequity in funding.

When all of our schools are tied with Nicolet or Marquette high schools, the playing field will be level.

I think MPS can be accused of poor budgetary management, is top-heavy, and can’t justify top management salaries (a superintendent making as much as the president for 69,000 kids is completely out of whack).

25 schools operating at less than 50% capacity is a waste. However, the question is whether additional resources are needed.

Another alternative to consider is a revised Conta plan, merging MPS with high-performing suburban schools.

Or place the most tenured teachers in low-performing schools.

I agree with the NAACP. However, nothing will change until parents take responsibility for their role in the educational process. Five year olds who can’t count to 10 or don’t know primary colors and the alphabet are the real problem, along with poverty


(Answer: If I was wrong, I was in good company since most black and Central City residents voted against the referendum.)

Brother, brother, brother. While I greatly respect your position as a community historian and elder, it seems you are stuck in the 70s and 80s. There is no black unity, no Martin Luther King agenda, Malcolm X or black people. Milwaukee is boring; they are black residents – gradually – culturally retarded and politically powerless (sp). We cannot continue to lead the country with 10 negative social indicators.

Even Aisha Carr gave up. We care more about basketball than our kids, and it says a lot that we don’t have an MBE program when we are the majority.

You would be a great person to coordinate a black political convention. If you are interested, contact me.

Of the

To signify

After listening to what was billed as an “interview” with Senator Ron Johnson on Truth last week, it is clear that we need a black news program run by professional journalists.

The Truth article was nothing short of a work of fluff and would be better classified as an advertorial. Allowing Johnson to shy away from his racist views and support for the January 6 riots and cuts to essential social programs was nothing short of insulting.

The show you were on on Channel 4 was journalism. Since we represent the vast majority, should we have a black news program to discuss views and issues and ask relevant questions of stakeholders?

Or you can apply to WNOV for a show.

(That won’t happen, because I guess we couldn’t maintain advertising support if we spoke truth to power)

Mikel Kwaku…

Suggestion to Black Leaders

You implemented many strategies for downtown MKE at the GOP convention, so just constrain and tow unlicensed drivers and unplate cars in other parts of our city.

You don’t need state approval to disrupt these reckless drivers. The MPD should want to participate as they step up their game to control the streets of MKE. Fill up the towing lots!

Send a message to the streets that this behavior is unacceptable…


Brother Kwaku

Urban terrorists have taken over the streets and many of us are afraid to drive through downtown.

Speed ​​bumps don’t work, and neither do those who drive recklessly, recently killing a four-year-old girl. It’s time to get down to business, whatever the consequences.

