
Weekly letter: nothing can be considered impossible

Weekly letter: nothing can be considered impossible

Weekly letter: nothing can be considered impossible

The month of Iyar is a time for healing – a time when Hashem healed all the Yidden of their afflictions, in preparation for their reception of the Torah at Har Sinai. In his letter this week, the Rebbe responds to the concerns of a woman discouraged by the health problems she faces, encouraging the words “that to be truly realistic, one cannot consider anything impossible.”

Ms. 5712

Bronx, New York

Blessing and greeting:

I received your letter. Although I am happy to read in your letter a quote that G-d is the Creator of the world Who also guides all its destinies, etc., this very good impression is lessened by the later tone of your letter, where you declare that you want be “realistic”, based on the doctors’ prognosis regarding your state of health.

I first want to tell you that, even from a realistic point of view, we must recognize the fact that very often the greatest doctors have made diagnostic errors. In addition, in recent times we see new discoveries in the medical field every day, with new “miracle” drugs and methods, which have revolutionized medical treatment.

Second, looking at life in general, we see so many strange and incredible things that, to be truly realistic, nothing can be considered impossible.

In a condition that is, to a large extent, linked to the nervous system and the body’s resistance, even medical opinion agrees that the stronger the patient’s faith in recovery, the stronger his will to heal is strong, the stronger his strength becomes. ability to recover.

Needless to say, this is not meant as a warning. But, inasmuch as by individual Divine Providence you have learned from me, and I from you, I think I have the right to convey to you the above thoughts, which I have had the privilege of hearing of my father-in-law of holy memory in similar cases.

May the Almighty help you keep your promise to work for Torah-real movements, and to raise your children in the sense of real ones Yiddishkeit.

With my blessing and hoping to hear good news from you,
