
UAW files new unfair labor practice charges against Mercedes

UAW files new unfair labor practice charges against Mercedes

On May 6, the United Auto Workers filed two additional unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

The UAW accused Mercedes-Benz of using coercive declarations and rules to prevent workers from exercising their right to free and open union elections, and of firing and refusing to hire pro-union employees.

One set of charges falls under Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, which makes it an unfair practice to “interfere, restrict, or coerce employees in the exercise of guaranteed rights.” » by the NLRA.

Another charge falls under Section 8(a)(3) of the NLRA, which states that “encouraging or discouraging membership in a labor organization” by changing “any term or condition of employment” , including dismissal, constitutes an unfair labor practice. or otherwise discipline employees.

On including meetings with “paid union busters,” and promised to improve working conditions. .

On May 9, the UAW also posted photos of a sign placed at the Mercedes factory with a caption asking, “Is Mercedes really ‘neutral’ in this union vote?”

The factory-facing side of the sign reads “Your Vote Counts” with an illustration of a ballot box labeled “Vote.” The ballot box on the factory side of the sign is labeled “Vote No,” as is the ballot pictured being cast into the box.

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These new charges follow a previous charge filed on March 26, in which the UAW accused Mercedes of violating the National Labor Relations Act by firing several employees in retaliation for their open support of the union. This case is still open.

In response to the earlier accusation, a Mercedes-Benz spokesperson said: “We do not believe these claims to be substantiated and look forward to presenting our case to the NLRB.” »

In addition to the charges filed with the NLRB, the UAW in April filed charges against Mercedes with the German government for allegedly violating the country’s law on companies’ due diligence obligations in supply chains.

According to Bloomberg, the U.S. government recently spoke with German government officials about the UAW’s anti-union allegations. The European Commission has reportedly told Mercedes it “expects it to respect both local laws and European values” as the unionization drive continues.

Neither Mercedes nor the United Auto Workers union have yet issued a public statement on the May 6 accusations. This piece will be updated over time.