
New Age | VCPEAB announces the creation of an electoral commission and an appeal commission for the election of the executive council

New Age |  VCPEAB announces the creation of an electoral commission and an appeal commission for the election of the executive council

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The Bangladesh Venture Capital and Private Equity Association has announced the formation of an election commission and an appeal committee for the upcoming Executive Council elections, scheduled for the 2024-2026 term, a statement said press release on Sunday.

“The Election Commission and the Appeal Commission were established to oversee and ensure fairness, transparency and integrity of the electoral process, reflecting the VCPEAB’s commitment to democratic principles and governance,” the statement said.

MP Zara Jabeen Mahbub will chair the electoral board to ensure transparency, fairness and efficiency in the nomination of candidates, registration of voters, counting of ballots and supervision of all facets of the process electoral.

Farhana A Rahman, former Senior Vice President of BASIS and Professor Dr Abdullah Al Mahmud, Director of the Board of Directors of Dhaka Stock Exchange, will act as members of the electoral board.

Chaired by Professor Dr Hafiz Md Hasan Babu, Chairman of Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC, the Appeals Committee provides a forum to address any grievance or appeal that may arise during the election process. Sami Ahmed, Managing Director of Startup Bangladesh Ltd and Anita Ghazi Rahman, Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and Founder and Managing Partner of The Legal Circle, are the members of the appeal panel.

VCPEAB invites all eligible members to actively engage in the electoral process, exercising their right to vote and contribute to the selection of Executive Board members who will guide the association in its mission to promote and facilitate capital investments -risk and private equity in Bangladesh.