
Trevor Noah has a message for Israel: “What is your responsibility? »

Trevor Noah has a message for Israel: “What is your responsibility?  »

Comedy Central

Comedy Central

The daily show Host Trevor Noah on Tuesday addressed recent tensions in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine – everything that could reasonably be done in the time it takes to boil an egg.

In recent days, Israeli police clashed with Palestinians at a Jerusalem mosque, nine children were among at least two dozen people killed by Israeli airstrikes, and Gaza militants fired their own rockets into Israel, killing three people. .

Noah, who acknowledged that there is “no television show (that) in ten minutes can solve (the) Israeli-Palestinian (problem),” made some thoughtful observations.

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On the one hand, this topic has perplexed even the world’s best diplomats, but it is even more difficult to resolve if no one can agree on the starting point of its analysis.

“If you start with ‘Israel fired rockets into Gaza,’ then Israel is the bad guy because it’s bombing Gaza,” Noah explained. “But then you go back in time and you say, ‘Well, but Hamas fired rockets at Israel.’ So Hamas is the bad guy. But then you step back and say, “But the Israeli police came in and started beating people in a mosque during Ramadan, the holiest time in the Muslim calendar. » Well, Israel is the bad guy. »

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“And back and forth and back, and who knows how far. The first cavemen to beat each other with clubs were probably Israeli and Palestinian. I don’t know.”

Noah then highlighted the relative superiority of the Israeli military due to its ability to produce high-end, high-tech weapons (in part thanks to American funding).

“I just want to ask an honest question here,” Noah said. “If you’re in a fight where the other person can’t beat you, how hard should you fight back when they try to hurt you? »

“Everyone has a different answer to the question, and I’m not trying to answer it, nor do I think I’m smart enough to answer it. All I ask is: when you have this much power, what is your responsibility?

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