
We express our deep regret and sympathy for this painful incident and great loss – Syrian Arab News Agency

We express our deep regret and sympathy for this painful incident and great loss – Syrian Arab News Agency

Damascus, SANA President Bashar al-Assad expressed sincere condolences, on his behalf and on behalf of the Syrian Arab people, to Ayatollah Imam Ali Khamenei, leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, as well as to the government and to the friendly Iranian people. death of President Ebrahim Raïssi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian and their companions.

In his message, President Al-Assad affirmed Syria’s solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and with the families of the deceased and his comrades, expressing deep regret and condolences for this painful incident and the great loss that resulted.

“President Raisi’s dedication to his career and the exercise of his responsibilities brought him to the province of East Azerbaijan to inaugurate a vital project for his country, making him a martyr in the name of his duty,” President al-Assad said in the cable.

The president added: “We worked with the late president to ensure that strategic relations between Syria and Iran always remained prosperous, and we will always remember his visit to Syria as an important step in this path, and all the visions and ideas he presented. enrich relations with everything that benefits the Syrian and Iranian people.

Mazen Eyon