
Chabad of Weston opens kosher room at Cleveland Clinic Weston

Chabad of Weston opens kosher room at Cleveland Clinic Weston

Chabad of Weston opens kosher room at Cleveland Clinic Weston


“We opened the Kosher Room/Wellcome House at Cleveland Clinic Weston,” said Rabbi Yisroel And Léa Reizel Spalter, Chabad Shluchim in Weston, FL. “With one less thing to worry about, we are confident that patients and their families will be able to focus all their energy on healing rather than worrying about where they will find a kosher lunch or dinner.”

The Wellcome House is Chabad of Weston’s newest initiative in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, and will be available to Jewish patients and their families while they spend time healing and receiving medical care at the hospital.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by Cleveland Clinic President Weston, Dr. Scott RossMayor of Weston Ms. Peggy Brown as well as nearly 100 employees and guests in attendance.

“The energy was palpable and I have no doubt that this is just the beginning of many more things to come,” Rabbi Spalter said. “Wellcome House has very big plans in the near future for patients and their families who come here from all over the world for medical treatment. More information will be available soon!

The room is stocked with a wide range of kosher food available 24/7 for every Jew who wants and needs kosher food.