
In a world in turmoil, heating managers fight the ‘silent killer’ | News | Eco-Business

In a world in turmoil, heating managers fight the ‘silent killer’ |  News |  Eco-Business

As the era of “global boil” spawns increasingly deadly heat waves, a handful of heat kings are working with authorities in cities from Miami to Melbourne in a race against time to cool the traps urban heat and avoid tens of thousands of deaths.

Seven heating managers – all of whom are women – are working in Miami, Melbourne, Dhaka, Freetown and Athens to plant trees, create “pocket parks”, install water fountains and raise awareness about the effects of extreme heat on the human body. .

The role of chief heating officer was created three years ago by a US-based think tank, but even in such a short time the task has become more urgent as emissions from heating the planet – – driven largely by the use of coal, oil and gas – are increasing temperatures into “uncharted territory”, scientists say.

Last year was already the hottest on record, and new research suggests that intense summer heat in the northern hemisphere made it the hottest summer in some 2,000 years – further evidence of what UN Secretary-General António Guterres called “the era of global turmoil.”

This year, heat waves have already ravaged several countries in Asia, costing lives, disrupting education and destroying livelihoods. In Europe, where up to 61,000 people could have died in 2022 heatwaves, people are bracing for new record temperatures in the coming summer months.

Despite this increased frequency, many people don’t fully understand how dangerous extreme heat can be, said Melbourne heating co-director Krista Milne.

“In Australia, like everywhere in the world, heat kills more people than any other natural hazard, but people don’t understand it’s a problem and so don’t prepare for it.”

Extreme heat can cause heat stroke or kidney failure and worsen heart or respiratory disease. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, farmers and gig workers are among the most vulnerable, especially in the poorest countries.

Heat is the deadliest climate hazard. He’s a silent killer.

Elissavet Bargianni, heating director, Athens

An April report from the U.N. International Labor Organization said nearly 19,000 people die each year from workplace accidents attributed to excessive heat.

“The simple fact is that there is a point where the body can no longer cool itself,” Milne said.

‘Silent Killer’

The heat director positions were created through an initiative by the US-based Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation (Arsht-Rock) Resilience Center, which says that by 2050, heat waves will affect more than 3.5 billion people worldwide, half of whom live in urban centers. .

“Heat is the deadliest climate hazard. It’s a silent killer,” said Elissavet Bargianni, appointed Athens heating director in May 2023.

The city was the first in Europe to classify heatwaves from Category 1 to Category 3, helping residents decide whether to stay indoors or cancel outdoor sporting events. The ranking also helps officials assess whether they should temporarily close tourist sites, such as the ancient Acropolis, Bargianni said.

Cities are often several degrees warmer than nearby rural areas because heat trapped by dense clusters of dark-colored, concrete roads and buildings creates a “heat island” effect, meaning that temperatures nighttime also remain high.

Nearly half of schools and hospitals in European cities are located in urban “heat islands,” areas that are at least 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the regional average, according to the agency environmental protection of the European Union.

Heat leaders aim to raise awareness of the risks of extreme heat and coordinate actions to mitigate them.

In Freetown, Sierra Leone, heating manager Eugenia Kargbo and Arsht-Rock constructed shade covers for three of the largest open-air street markets, providing shelter for around 2,300 women traders and guaranteeing the life of their products longer.

These low-cost covers also come with solar panels that provide light at night, allowing people to shop for longer.

In Melbourne, where a heatwave sent temperatures soaring to around 39°C (102.2°F) in March, the city council aims to plant 3,000 trees a year to build the resilience of its forest areas and cool the climate. city ​​by 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Council also proposed a new town planning rule which requires future buildings to have a certain amount of greenery depending on their size.

Milne, who shares the heating director position with Tiffany Crawford, said their goal is to ensure all decisions affecting the city are viewed through a “thermal lens.”

Shady business

Besides Melbourne and Athens, many cities in the United States and a growing number in Asia have set up cooling centers to help residents get relief during heat waves.

Some cities have also developed apps that show users the shadiest walking route between two points, or have mapped hot spots, allowing authorities to target the most vulnerable people.

In Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh – a crowded city with little green space and little shade – people are used to having hot and humid summers, but that means it is even more difficult to raise awareness, said Bushra Afreen, the city’s heating manager.

“There are still people who do not understand the more deadly impacts of extreme heat, nor the difference between what was once hot or normal weather and the dangers of a heat wave,” Afreen said.

“We now need to convince people that to survive the heat, they need to slow down and rest, drink water and seek shade, and even stop working if they don’t feel well. For people living in poverty, this is a very difficult choice to make. »

Many of these people will also not be able to afford an air conditioner.

In April, temperatures in Bangladesh – ranked the seventh most vulnerable country to climate change – soared to more than 40°C (104°F), forcing schools to close. Schools were also closed in the Philippines and India.

Afreen said a heat awareness campaign will be launched later in May and “cool kits”, including portable fans and health booklets, will be distributed.

Water fountains will be installed in public spaces such as markets and bus stations, and thousands of fruit trees will be planted. But Afreen knows his task will only become more difficult.

“These record temperatures will most likely be among the coolest summers we will experience in the future,” she said.

“Until we take meaningful action to mitigate greenhouse gases, extreme climate-driven heat will only get worse. »

This article was published with permission from the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, which covers humanitarian news, climate change, resilience, women’s rights, trafficking and property rights. Visit