
The silent scars of childhood sexual abuse

The silent scars of childhood sexual abuse

SHAH ALAM – A 10-year-old girl being asked to sit on her 20-year-old cousin’s lap face to face is beyond the bounds, especially if it’s done in a car without others being present. notice it.

This is what a certain Nurul experienced.



It was even more shocking when his cousin Aiman ​​touched his private parts.

However, she kept her mouth shut because Aiman ​​threatened her.

She said Aiman ​​also committed indecent acts towards her while they were inside the house.

“One day our family returned to our hometown Kedah because there was a wedding ceremony, so Aiman ​​came.

“At that time, my mother was sleeping in the front seat, while my father was focused on driving. Aiman ​​and I were sitting together in the back seat. That’s when he m ‘asked me to sit on his lap,’ she said.

Aiman’s actions may have been felt by Nurul’s mother, who awoke from her sleep when they stopped at a rest and treatment (R&R) area.

“My mother knew something was wrong because she looked behind and saw us sitting in a strange position.

“Aiman ​​did not admit to committing sexual assault despite his mother’s request.

“When we arrived in our hometown that evening, we all kept silent on this issue because we did not want to spoil the ceremony,” she said.

It was only a few weeks later that Nurul’s father filed a police report.

“Initially, my father did not want to deal with this matter because Aiman ​​is his sister’s son, but after facing a lot of pressure from my mother, my father finally filed a report of police until the suspect is arrested,” she added.

She added that Aiman ​​was later brought to court, found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Meanwhile, Thanusa faced even darker times.

His father’s heinous act was finally revealed after two years.

She was nine years old at the time and complained to her mother of pain in her private parts.

Before that, no one suspected that his father, who was a grass trimmer, was the perpetrator of the crime.

“I still remember my father forcing me to go to work with him and I was taken to the men’s room supposedly to accompany him, but instead I was forced to satisfy his sexual desire .

“My father always touched me when I was a child, but I didn’t think it would go as far as rape,” she said.

However, Thanusha didn’t tell her mother about it immediately after her sister’s sudden death.

“After being raped, I wanted to tell my mother, but my disabled sister died.

“I became sad because the case was kept quiet for a while to honor my sister’s passing,” she said.

Thanusha added that her mother quietly filed a police report so that her father would not find out after handling his sister’s affairs.

“During the trial, our family was informed that it was my father who killed my younger sister.

“Only God knows how broken my mother’s heart was after she found out the truth,” she said, adding that her father was convicted and sentenced to prison.