
Student-built SD2 house ready for market | Billing News

Student-built SD2 house ready for market |  Billing News

BILLINGS, Mont. — The juniors and seniors of three levels schools in SD-2 I put the final touchhe is about the house where they werework on sinthis is the start of the school year.

Kimberly WElzenbach – Eexecutive Ohofficer CEO For Home Bbuilders Aassociation said over the last decadess, students who have participated in the project acquired fundamental skills through their education and were able to apply them immediately.

Aaccording to Montana VSconstruction Aassociation, there is an extreme labor shortage in the industry – and allowing students to gain experience in a young age can help enrich the pool of qualified workers.

You you have to think about any trade that affects the construction project. You are talking about architecture, engineering and design down to the colors we are going to use and the type of materials. These students learn in every aspect, from the planning phase to the finishing phase, from floor to roof and everything in between.” said Welzenbach.

She added that students work alongside local industry professionals to ensure the quality of the home they build, whose price is ayourround $600,000.

NOTNot only does this project help students develop technical skillsbut Welzenbach saI identify it can Also provide provide them with more options and career paths after high school.

She says, There are students who do not conform to your typical school environment. and maybe they feel like they’re not good at certain things and it’s amazing to see them light up when they come into this program and they thought they were bad at math and they suddenly realized “hey, I’m pretty good at this”. !’ because their brain processes it differently, they don’t look at it on a piece of paper to try to solve a problem, they actually apply it in a real situation.

Welzenbach added students can go straight into an apprenticeship or trade or get a head start if they choose a college.

“They are so proud of their work and that feeling of accomplishment when this project is finished, when they look he They are so proud that we are having an open day on Saturday where the children will come and show it off to the community. These kids take pride in what they do and care about what people think and how they do it. It is watching, ” said Welzenbach.

When: 05/25/2024 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.