
Driver says he still loves his Cybertruck after it slit his wrist and sent him to the emergency room

Driver says he still loves his Cybertruck after it slit his wrist and sent him to the emergency room

“I too thought it was a little slice like a paper cut… Until the blood started flowing.”

Just a flesh wound

An Ohio man was very excited when he finally got his hands on his own Tesla Cybertruck this Saturday.

But the vehicle literally sent him to the emergency room after one of the vehicle’s metal panels sliced ​​his wrist., which caused him to bleed profusely at the dealership.

The man, who goes by the name bdesign, enthusiastically described his eventful day on the Cybertruck Owners’ Club forum, a hotbed of viral truck-related posts.

In its post, bdesign also noted the sad state of its fresh-off-the-lot pickup, ranging from lots of grime to a loose gasket along the perimeter of the truck bed.

“(S)hoddy and botched condition upon delivery,” he wrote. “The windshield (inside) is disastrously dirty. The body panels are covered in some kind of splatter that doesn’t come off – it just spreads.”

But the problems really started when he noticed what he thought was a dent in one of the tailgate panels. As he tried to wipe it with one of his thumbs, the vertical edge of a back panel cut his wrist.

“I too thought it was a small slice like a paper cut… Until the blood started flowing. Lots of blood…” he wrote, posting a gruesome photo of what appears to be his left hand with a deep gash on the wrist. .

No regrets

After bandaging his cut, he then opened his bandage to check his wrist, but “BOOM – spurts of blood all over the kitchen island,” he wrote. The next photo he posted was apparently taken in a hospital waiting room.

Despite the delivery problems and the vehicle that literally split his wrist, bdesign remained unfazed.

“Otherwise, it’s great,” he wrote. “Damn, it’s great even with these problems.”

The post quickly escaped confinement and went viral on X where the peanut gallery took photos of the vehicle.

“Buying a Cybertruck from Cyberloser: $100,000,” joked one X user. “Not knowing about the optional wrist shredding feature: priceless.”

This news follows owners pointing out how the Cybertruck’s truck door can crush people’s fingers – although Tesla said it fixed the issue with a software fix.

But with this latest incident of the Cybertruck posing as a deli slicer on wheels, along with other high-profile stories of quality control issues, perhaps CEO Elon Musk and company should bring this vehicle back to the drawing board drawing – or at least submit your application. ridiculously sharp edges.

Learn more about the Cybertruck: Videos Show Cybertruck Owners Crushing Fingers in Frunk Door