
The Queen delivered a touching video message at the COP26 evening reception

The Queen delivered a touching video message at the COP26 evening reception

The Queen delivered a touching speech at the evening reception for the COP26 climate summit last night (November 1), after being unable to attend in person.

After being formally introduced by Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness, the Queen called on world leaders to “achieve real statecraft” and create a “more secure and stable future” for the planet. She urged them to act “for our children and our children’s children” and to “rise above the politics of the moment.”

Speaking about her late husband, Prince Philip, Her Majesty said: “This is a duty I am particularly pleased to fulfill, as the impact of the environment on human progress was a subject close to my heart. dear late husband, Prince Philip. The Duke of Edinburgh.”

The Queen then quoted from one of Prince Philip’s speeches given in 1969 before sharing her joy at the ongoing work of her son, Prince Charles, and her grandson, Prince William.

“It is a source of great pride for me that the leadership role played by my husband in encouraging people to protect our fragile planet lives on through the work of our eldest son Charles and his eldest son William. I could not not be more proud of them.

The Queen finished by saying: “Of course, the benefits of such actions will not be there for all of us here today: none of us will live forever.

“But we do this not for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children, and for those who will follow in their footsteps.”

Following a hospital visit last month, Buckingham Palace confirmed in a statement that doctors had ordered the Queen to take two weeks off, preventing her from attending the ceremony in person. COP26 or the next Festival of Remembrance. She is currently carrying out light duty from Windsor Castle.

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