
Join our first ever cider stop » Urban Milwaukee

Join our first ever cider stop » Urban Milwaukee

Join our first ever cider stop » Urban Milwaukee

Hide the cider. Photo by Michael Holloway.

Urban Milwaukee members have had the opportunity to visit many great Milwaukee breweries, from Urban Harvest to Lakefront Brewery, during one of our Beer Bashes, and will visit more in the future, but it is time for our first members-only Cider Stop (RSVP required).

It’s only fitting that for our first Cider Stop, Urban Milwaukee heads to Milwaukee’s first cidery, Bay View’s Cache Cider.

Ethan Keller, a musician by trade, opened the cidery in 2020. Keller began making cider at home as a hobby after watching a particularly sweet documentary on PBS about heirloom apples. He then volunteered at an orchard and began teaching a cider-making class. It was at this time that he became interested in making hard apple ciders from single-varietal apples, which is the very essence of Cache Cider.

Keller says on the cidery’s website: “I think everyone should be able to experience a cider as unique as they are. » Hopefully members will find one at this Cider Stop.

Urban Milwaukee members are invited to join us at Cache Cider, 2612 S. Greeley St., on Wednesday June 19 from 5:30 p.m. An RSVP is required as places are limited.

Members are permitted to bring one guest, but must request an additional ticket when reserving their place. Keller will talk about apples, some Wisconsin geology and the science of cider making.

For more information on Cache Cider, visit their website and donate Michael HollowayThe history of the cider mill opens up a reading.

The event aims to recognize Urban Milwaukee’s loyal members and create an easy way for our staff, writers and readers to come together over tasty drinks and friendly conversations on both urban and non-urban topics. Here’s how it works: arrival at 5:30 p.m., presentation at 6:15 p.m., enjoy a free cider sample and have fun.

We would love to have a locally made cider with you.

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