
What is Juliette Danielle from “The Room” so far?

What is Juliette Danielle from “The Room” so far?

What is Juliette Danielle from “The Room” so far?

What is Juliette Danielle from “The Room” so far?

If you know it, you love it and you also slightly fear it. Bedroom is a cult classic film, perhaps best known for being Shame that sometimes, if you watch it enough times in the right mood, it almost becomes… well, not good again. But something worth watching just because it’s so weird. Juliette Danielle was the lead actress in this cult classicand like everyone involved in this film… We have a lot of questions about how this happened, but also what they are doing now!

On her about page, she talks about how she hid for a long time after starring in Bedroom — not everyone appreciates the absolutely unique character of this place. She claims to be “out of hiding now” and returning to acting.

She has recently played roles in films like Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jawsand a recurring role in a web series called “IRL”.

And of course, with the semi-recent resurgence of Bedroom fanaticism, Juliette also reprized her role in a short film called Have you checked out Denny? She also appeared in a television series exploring where actors come from Bedroom since its release. We’re sure it’s hard for a young actress to get involved in something that’s known to be bad, but we’re glad she’s accepting it now!

Despite her apparently quite successful acting career, Juliette describes herself as “mostly retired”. She now freelances – graphic design, marketing and social media – and everyone seems like someone we definitely want to hang out with?

“I’m also a Scentsy consultant, runner, wrestling fan, binge Netflix watcher, artist, community and church volunteer. And, despite some fairly serious allergies, I am a mother of four children. I’m also really good at navigating Facebook and liking things.

So, uh, yeah. Call us, Juliette. We absolutely want to hang on.