
Pope Francis repeats past mistake, uses vulgar Italian word against LGBT people in closed-door meeting

Pope Francis repeats past mistake, uses vulgar Italian word against LGBT people in closed-door meeting

Pope Francis repeated the same mistake he made almost a month ago. According to Italian media, he allegedly used a derogatory word against LGBT people behind the closed doors of the Vatican, in the middle of Pride Month.

Speaking to Roman priests at the Salesian Pontifical University on Tuesday, the pontiff said: “There is an air of madness in the Vatican. » (AFP)

Speaking to Roman priests at the Salesian Pontifical University on Tuesday, the pontiff said: “There is an air of bullshit in the Vatican” and suggested that young gay people should avoid seminaries, ANSA reported.

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Asked about Tuesday’s non-public meeting, the Vatican press service cited a statement in which the pope stressed the need to accept LGBT people in the Church, while also warning against their admission into seminaries.

The Vatican Press Office released an official statement describing the latest hour-and-a-half meeting with around 160 priests. According to the ANSA bulletin and information, the 87-year-old pontiff discussed various topics with his audience, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the war between Israel and Hamas, as well as artificial intelligence.

He concluded the conversation by returning to the issue of admitting people with “homosexual tendencies” into seminaries, emphasizing that “everyone” should be allowed into the Church, while reaffirming the official objection of the Church to homosexual men seeking access to the priesthood.

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The Pope apologized last month

On May 20, the pope used an Italian word that roughly translates to “faggot.” He used the controversial term during a private discussion with Italian bishops, during which he reiterated his opposition to the Church allowing homosexuals to become priests.

Following the incident, anonymous bishops present at the meeting reportedly said Francis had used it “in jest.” Despite this, Vatican spokesperson Matteo Bruni issued an apology on behalf of the pope.

“As he had the opportunity to declare on several occasions: “In the Church, there is room for everyone, for everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Like us, everyone,” he said.

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who were offended by the use of a term reported by others,” he said. added Bruni.

Many people, however, reacted to his statement by taking the situation lightly. The pope’s apparent inability to refrain from using this expression particularly amused the Internet.