
Meet the Quarterfinalists, Part 5 – The Utah Review

Meet the Quarterfinalists, Part 5 – The Utah Review

EDITOR’S NOTE: Each weekday, The Utah Review will offer short profiles featuring the 33 quarterfinalists from the 2024 edition. Gina Bachauer International Artist Competition. Afternoon and evening sessions begin on Monday June 17. For tickets and more information, visit Bachauer website.

The Utah Review asked each pianist to answer four questions:

1. Besides practice, how do you mentally prepare or have other rituals (e.g. meditation, stress-relieving activities) for shows in general or competitions such as Bachauer?

2. What has been your most memorable performance so far in your career?

3. Besides the extensive catalog of piano works, what other types of music do you enjoy in your free time?

4. For young pianists aspiring to careers and experiences like those you have had, what advice would you encourage?

Chun Lam U, 21 years old (Hong Kong)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I usually do meditation and take walks for inspiration.
  2. Most memorable performance: It was the first time I played Rachmaninoff 3rd with an orchestra. It’s like a dream come true to play such an important concerto in front of an audience.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: I love hearing orchestral work.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: Enjoy music and say whatever you want with the piano.

Wynona Yinuo Wang, 27 years old (China)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: Besides practice, developing a positive mindset is very important for mental preparation for performances and competitions. I love performing and connecting with my audience through music, so I would reinforce the positive feelings I get while performing before going on stage. I often say to myself: you signed up, so you love it.
  2. Most memorable performance: There have been so many memorable performances in my career so far and I consider each performance opportunity unique and special. If I have to name one, I’d like to talk about the time I performed Grieg’s Piano Concerto in California during my freshman year. I had the honor of playing with this orchestra and had a wonderful time working with the Maestro. During the audience Q&A, a member asked me if I felt resentful playing Western music. My English wasn’t very good at the time and I was embarrassed to have to ask someone else to explain the question to me. I don’t remember what I answered, but this question made me think about why I wanted to become a performing artist. I believe that music truly unites people and communicates differences. I started presenting concert programs with music from different cultural roots and realized that the audience still appreciated this. Music allows individuals to defend their uniqueness.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: I like playing chamber music. The joy of collaborating with other musicians and connecting with each other’s musical creation means a lot to me.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: Continue to pursue your passion and always stay true to your faith!

Ziijian Wei, 25 years old (China)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: If it was calculated a day in advance, I would go to bed earlier and eat alone in the evening. A few hours before the match, I breathe deeply and read a lot of music.
  2. Most memorable performance: The first time I played a concerto with a symphony orchestra, when I was 19, I played the complete Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1, up to the second movement, and I couldn’t stop no crying.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: I like to listen to Jay Chou, Zhou Shen, including recently there was a variety show《singer》Chante Moore
  4. Advice for budding pianists: Take your time, there is no shortage of opportunities, but make sure you find your own personality, embrace it and let it blossom.

Yoonji Yeo, 20 years old (Korea)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: Due to the nature of the piano, we have to sit down and practice it continually. In this situation, I think stretching is really important because we use our whole body, including our arms and legs. So I try to exercise whenever I have time. Personally, I like swimming. When I feel anxious or tired while training, I will see good performance. When I listen to music in a large concert hall, I feel the beauty of music again and become more motivated. Getting enough sleep is also helpful in maintaining a healthy biological rhythm.
  2. Most memorable performance: The house concert I did in Denmark was the most memorable. We ate delicious food and played in a cute house with a view of the forest. I played Chopin Fantasy and it was a performance I was personally happy with. The audience also gave me such warm applause that it still remains a very beautiful memory. I also remember my performance at the Busoni Competition last year. It was especially helpful for me to hear the great musicians compete against each other. I would therefore like to say that I have high expectations from the colleagues I will meet during this Gina Bachauer competition. I am already excited about the prospect of meeting and learning from exceptional musicians.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: As I mainly practice piano pieces which I often play alone, I listen to chamber music and concertos in my free time. It’s nice to hear the beautiful harmony of various instruments. Besides classical music, I sometimes listen to pop songs and enjoy my free time.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: The music we make is very beautiful, but I think it’s lonely and difficult. Unlike beautiful music, time spent alone and struggling in the rehearsal room is essential. It’s easy to be influenced by competition results. If you continue to fail, you might start to doubt yourself. However, I hope you believe in yourself and don’t get tired easily. If you keep moving towards your dream, you will one day achieve your goal. Let’s do our best. Cheer up!

Yuki Yoshimi, 24 years old (Japan)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: meditate, sleep a lot, eat a lot
  2. Most memorable performance: Playing a Mozart concerto at Suntory Hall, Japan’s most prestigious hall, was my most memorable performance. I dreamed of playing there and my dream came true.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: Of course, I like to listen to classical music regardless of the instruments. Additionally, I often listen to Japanese pop songs to give me energy.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: I guess I’m still on the fence about pursuing music, so I don’t think I can give them any good advice. However, enjoying every moment of their musical journey will be my only advice.

Angie Zhang, 28 years old (UNITED STATES)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I prepare myself mentally by spending quality time alone and with others. I find a lot of inspiration in my daily life, because no two days are the same, and I look for moments of beauty and exchange with others. My family and friends are very important to me, so I try, through small gestures and phone calls, to let them know that I am someone they can count on, and I also like talking with people whom I meet during my trip to listen to their stories. . I find that the collective realm of lived and heard experiences becomes my source of inspiration and calm while I am on stage trying to express the very core of humanity.
  2. Most memorable performance: Oh, that’s a tough question! I probably couldn’t name just one. The top three would perform a solo recital at LACMA in Los Angeles, share the Peter Jay Sharp Theater at Lincoln Center with Juilliard Dance five nights in a row performing Gustave le Gray (2012) by Caroline Shaw with choreography by Aszure Barton, Canadian choreographer extraordinary, and performing Chopin Concerto No. 1 last year on Pleyel piano with the {oh!} Orchestra in Poland, where they all played on period instruments.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: On the subway, I like to listen to Daft Punk, Muse, that kind of music. I’m very much the type of person who stays an artist for a while and listens to the complete anthology of works to understand their artistic voice and harmonic pattern.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: Play every note with every ounce of love you have, whether you’re playing for one person or 10,000 people, whether you’re playing in a recital or a competition, and whether the piano is well tuned or not! Also get out of the practice room to talk with others and experience things that take you out of your comfort zone.

Lixin Zhang, 22 years old (New Zealand)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I try to eat and sleep well during competition periods. This way I will feel fully energized during practice and mentally prepared for performance.
  2. Most memorable performance: Last year I did a national charity concert tour in New Zealand. It felt really good to have played so many shows while also giving back.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: I also enjoy Chinese pop music, especially songs by JJ Lin and Joker Xue.
  4. Advice for budding pianists: Go for it! Stay committed to your craft, work hard and I’m sure wonderful things will happen.