
Woman Caught Carrying 350 Nintendo Switch Games in Her Bra

Woman Caught Carrying 350 Nintendo Switch Games in Her Bra

One image shows a woman with a bra full of video game carts.

Screenshot: Hong Kong 01 / Kotaku

A nervous woman with ample breasts was arrested at a Chinese airport after authorities became suspicious. They inspected her and found she was apparently trying to smuggle 350 Nintendo Switch carts out of the country by putting them in her bra.

As spotted by Tom’s material June 14 and reported by Yahoo, a woman who attempted to leave Hong Kong and enter China via Liantang port was stopped by customs officers after they noticed she was acting strangely, appeared nervous and had breasts oddly shaped during a routine inspection of travelers. She was taken to a private location and authorities reportedly discovered she was trying to smuggle more than 300 Switch cartridges in her bra, likely explaining her strange behavior and the odd shape of her bust.

Authorities confiscated all 350 Nintendo Switch carts of the woman’s bra. The value of all games is estimated to be around 70,000 yuan, or around 9,660 US dollars.

In China, Article 7 of the Regulations on the Enforcement of Customs Administrative Sanctions of the People’s Republic of China prohibits persons from evading customs by “concealing, disguising, concealing declarations, false declarations or other means, by transporting, carrying or sending goods which entry or exit is prohibited or restricted by the State. And like most countries, importing goods without paying the necessary taxes is illegal and considered contraband.

As pointed out Tom’s material, assuming Switch carts aren’t considered “restricted” by China, the woman suspected of smuggling games in her bra is unlikely to face any jail time. Instead, she could be fined “not more than three times the amount of duties payable but evaded”.

Now, for people who wear or have access to bras, as well as lots of Switch games, here’s my challenge for you: try to fit 350 Switch carts into lingerie. I guess it’s not an easy task. Just putting them all in there to begin with seems difficult enough. And then you have to carry all that weight and plastic on your chest while trying to look normal. I’m not sure I can do it. And I guess the woman couldn’t have been arrested by the Chinese authorities either.
