
Redwood Valley man arrested with 130 pounds of marijuana in Fresno County

Redwood Valley man arrested with 130 pounds of marijuana in Fresno County

130 pounds of cannabis Fresno County Sheriff’s Office detectives allegedly confiscated from a Mendocino County man and later destroyed (FCSO photo)

Fresno County Sheriff’s Office narcotics detectives arrested Redwood Valley resident David Giglio, 28, after he was found with over one hundred pounds of cannabis.

According to a press release issued by the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, on Thursday, June 13, 2024, detectives conducted a traffic stop for a violation of an SUV traveling on Interstate 5 in Fresno County.

Redwood Valley resident David Giglio (FCSO photo)

The sheriff’s K-9 “Cash” detected the odor of narcotics and alerted detectives. A search of the vehicle revealed 130 pounds. of processed and packaged marijuana. Detectives seized the marijuana for evidence and destruction. Giglio was released with a summons for transportation of marijuana for sale.

The release states that while possession of small amounts of marijuana (1 ounce) is legal for recreational use in California, possession of large amounts of marijuana remains illegal.

It should be noted that the accusations have not been proven in court. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any person described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.