
Read Lloyd Newell’s final ‘Spoken Word’ message and watch the Choir’s tearful farewell performance

Read Lloyd Newell’s final ‘Spoken Word’ message and watch the Choir’s tearful farewell performance

We all experience change—at times refreshing, often challenging, and sometimes overwhelming. In time, we can look back and see God’s sustaining hand in our life. Gratefully, with that perspective we are able to look forward with the peaceful confidence that He will “guide the future as he has the past.” (“Be Still My Soul,”Hymns,” no. 124.)

Speaking of the past, on Nov. 25, 1990, I stood here in the Tabernacle on Temple Square and delivered a Spoken Word message for the first time.

I was younger then—and, as I well remember, more than a little overwhelmed. Now, nearly three and a half decades later, I’m not so young, but sharing an inspirational message with you each week is still a great honor. As I look back, I can see how God has helped me along the way.

That first time, and many times since, I have felt the surpassing blessing of His peace. Now, looking forward, I have the quiet confidence that I can count on His divine help, and so can you. We can trust the Lord and His promises.

Over the decades, I’ve spoken often on this broadcast about trusting in God, holding on to hope, going forward with faith. Today, I offer a message from my own experience—an experience unfolding even as we speak.

Starting next week, my wife and I will begin serving as missionaries for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In that work, we will have the privilege of leading more than 200 volunteer missionaries, from ages 18 to nearly 80. What a joy that will be!

Obviously, that means change—trading the microphone for this name badge, which I will wear every day. In this new chapter of our lives, we trust that the Lord will guide the future as He has the past.

One way the Lord guides all of us is through other people. Over the years I’ve compiled a long list of people to thank — too many to mention by name today. Even so, a few of them deserve special mention. My talented and supportive wife has been at my side every step of the way, and our four children have grown up with their father giving the Spoken Word. I simply could not have done this broadcast without my family’s unfailing love and support.

Change comes for all of us. It’s an essential part of God’s plan for our happiness and growth. But there is no reason to fear. If we trust Him and His purposes, if we strive to carry on with faith and devotion to Him, His peace will be with us, now and forever.

A few years ago, my friend and associate Mack Wilberg composed music to my own statement of this truth—a hymn with these words, which will now be sung by the choir.

As pilgrims on a sea of ​​strife,
Oft wounded, lost and weak,
We fast and pray for heaven’s strength,
Thy help, Thy grace, we seek.
We place our burdens at Thy feet;
We yoke ourselves to Thee,
And with this heartfelt plea, O Lord,
May we be more like Thee.

Until we meet again, dear friends, may peace be with you, this day and always.