
How a high school teacher inspired her former student to bike across the country – The Daily Texan

How a high school teacher inspired her former student to bike across the country – The Daily Texan

The impact of a selfless high school teacher can go far, but for Avery Wong, a sophomore neuroscience and Plan II student, the impact went extremely far — more than 4,000 miles, to be exact.

On May 25, Wong set off on a summer-long bike ride from Austin to Alaska with 75 other riders on the Texas 4000, the longest annual charity bike ride in the world. From a passion for funding research initiatives to a desire to spread hope for those affected by cancer, the motivations of the student-run nonprofit’s runners vary.

“(Cancer) patients and their families need to know that they are not and will never fight alone,” said Maanas Gupta, junior in biomedical engineering, in his pilot profile. “I ride in hope that scientific innovation will soon help our communities beat cancer forever.”

Wong said she was confronted with the tragic implications of cancer when she Kirsten Mulligan, a high school teacher, lost her husband to illness.

“The mission to fight cancer only seemed tangible during my senior year,” Wong said in a video profile. “Every day after that, despite losing her best friend, (Mulligan) decided to show up to her students with selflessness, great joy and compassion.”

Wong said Mulligan’s infectious positivity and strength made resounding waves throughout Austin’s Vandegrift High School. As coordinator of the school’s annual cancer fundraising and awareness events, Wong said students knew her as a source of light and joy, even throughout the toughest battle of his life.

“You never know who you impact and in what way,” Mulligan said. “So go out into the world and do good. This is what I tried to do in class.

On Instagram, Wong and other runners continue to update their supporters daily. Wong said about two weeks later, the riders reached Zion National Park in Utah after cycling through Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Last week they went north to California.

“At first I thought it was just a summer of cycling, but it’s so much more than that,” Wong said. “It’s a summer of spreading hope, knowledge and charity to every mile, interaction and city.”

With an average of eight hours a day spent cycling, Wong said the trip allows her to form deep connections with other teammates and with the generous supporters who open their doors to riders.

“I love meeting new people, but everyone we interact with on this journey is special,” Wong said. “I felt so loved and cared for.”

Mulligan plans to travel to Anchorage to cheer on the runners as they cross the finish line at the end of the 70-day trek. She said the trip was a small way to show support for a team that means so much to her.

“I’m very, very proud of these people and the fact that they’re willing to dedicate their summer to a cause that’s bigger than themselves,” Mulligan said. “The (Texas 4000) will change their lives forever.”