
DAREDEVIL Star Vincent D’Onofrio Says Pivot Rights Are Split Between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures

Vincent D’Onofrio first played crime kingpin Wilson Fisk in the Netflix film. Daredevil. Like the series itself, he stayed for three seasons before the series ended and later made a surprise return to Marvel Studios. Hawk Eye.

A few weeks later, Charlie Cox appeared as Matt Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way Home before taking action as Daredevil in She-Hulk: lawyer And Echo. Cox and D’Onofrio both appeared in the latter and Daredevil: Born Again is next to them.

In 2022, we learned that Cox would lend his voice to Daredevil in the Marvel Animation film. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Unfortunately, D’Onofrio’s arrival on the show seems far from guaranteed.

“I’ll say this straight: You know the whole Marvel-Sony thing, right?” D’Onofrio told fans at Fan Expo Boston 2024. “So there are characters – Marvel characters invented by Marvel, written by Marvel – who are caught between Marvel and Sony. And so it takes them a long time to figure out who’s doing what.”

“I never really know where (Kingpin might appear). My character is in that kind of situation, unlike Charlie’s. So I don’t know, that’s part of the deal when it comes to playing Kingpin,” » admitted the actor.

It is entirely possible that, as with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, members of the X-Men And Avengers that Marvel Studios shared with 20th Century Fox, the same goes for The Kingpin. Fox may have even had the right to use Fisk because he appeared in the 2003 film. Daredevil film where the late Michael Clarke Duncan played him.

Interestingly, the villain hasn’t appeared in animation since 2003. Spider-Man: the new animated series on MTV. What further complicates matters is that Disney owns the TV rights to Spider-Man (at least in animation), which explains why the House of Mouse produced Ultimate Spider-Man And Spider Man instead of Sony.

Honestly, it’s a headache, but there’s a good chance Sony could bring its own version of The Kingpin to the big screen if it chooses to do so. What makes this less likely is the fact that they and Marvel Studios currently share Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was initially announced as what appeared to be a prequel to Peter Parker’s adventures in the MCU. We have since learned that it will take place in a new reality where Norman Osborn will become Spidey’s mentor instead of Iron Man.

You can watch Cox and D’Onofrio’s full appearance in the player below.