
America takes on Adobe and we all loved it

America takes on Adobe and we all loved it

What do you want to know

  • Adobe has been criticized by the US Department of Justice for its deceptive subscription practices and high cancellation fees.
  • The company allegedly buried crucial terms regarding the subscription plan behind optional text boxes and hyperlinks, making it difficult for the subscriber to find out about the exorbitant cost attached to early termination fees.
  • The company’s top executives are also under scrutiny for their participation in Adobe’s actions and practices.
  • Adobe has refuted these claims and noted that its subscription contracts are transparent and the cancellation process is simple.

Adobe has been criticized by the US government for allegedly using deceptive subscription practices coupled with high fees that make cancellation extremely difficult. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit Monday, claiming Adobe uses deceptive tactics to enroll users in its “most lucrative subscription plan.”

The suit further clarifies that the company is not disclosing crucial information about the plan. Instead, Adobe “burys” terms in “the fine print and behind optional text boxes and hyperlinks.” Therefore, it is difficult for users to find the details regarding the exorbitant cost associated with early termination fees, which can run into hundreds of dollars.