
Americans in one state offered $800 to get rid of their swimming pools

Americans in one state offered 0 to get rid of their swimming pools

If you live in Glendale, Arizona, you could save $800 more if you decide to remove your pool.

Glendale City Council is offering a cash incentive through its Water Conservation Rebate Program, which was recently expanded to offer more money to residents if they meet a set list of criteria.

“It’s been about a year now since the Water Conservation Rebate Program was expanded through council support, and we’ve been able to distribute over $95,000 in rebates to over 140 single-family residential customers, and then also to non-residential customers,” said Joanne, environmental programs administrator. Toms said, as reported by The Star of Glendale.

Although the rebate program is not intended to cover the full cost of each improvement you make, it does provide a financial incentive to make certain changes to your home that would also result in greater water efficiency.

“This rebate, along with others offered by Glendale, is an expansion of existing programs aimed at encouraging more residents to make renovations that will hopefully help the city’s overall environmental infrastructure,” said Alex Beene , professor of financial literacy at the University of Tennessee at Martin, says News week.

“The only pitfall might be that the discount, while generous, probably won’t be enough to convince some to make these changes. But, for those who do, it’s a nice reward.”

The Perry Public Pool remains empty during a record heat wave after being closed and drained in Phoenix on July 19, 2023. Residents of Glendale, Arizona could receive an $800 rebate for pool removal.

PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images

The program began in 1985, offering residents $100 if they participated in a landscaping rebate. However, over the years, rebates have evolved and increased in the amounts available for residential and non-residential locations.

Geldale Town Council’s website explains that the landscape conversion aims “to encourage a permanent reduction in the amount of water used through the installation of xeriscape (i.e. water efficient landscaping) and /or artificial grass in new homes or when converting lawns to turf. xeriscape and/or artificial turf in existing homes.

A few months ago, Glendale received a $450,000 grant from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority, which will also help continue funding for the program.

“In the 18 years that I have worked in the water conservation sector, this was a real new opportunity for many water providers across the state to be able to apply for this funding, so for It seems very historic to me.” Tom said.

Under the program, you can get $800 for removing a pool or spa as a residential homeowner, but you can also get between $100 and $250 for adding a WaterSense toilet.

There is also $200 available for those who own an ENERGYStar washer and between $3,000 and $10,000 for landscape conversions. The exact amount will vary depending on whether you are a residential or non-residential property owner.

The majority of the shed funding, more than $63,000, was spent on residential landscaping, while approximately $10,000 was spent on non-residential landscaping. The WaterSense toilet plan also provided $44,000 to residences.

While city leaders hope the available discounts can serve as a financial incentive, some financial experts doubt it will be enough to fully convince the average American.