
Come, let’s all together deplore the completely unfair things our bosses have asked us to do.

Come, let’s all together deplore the completely unfair things our bosses have asked us to do.

We already talked about a woman whose boss asked her to work at the last minute or risk being fired. So she resigned and thousands of commentators applauded her.

BuzzFeed news article by Alexa Lisitza about a woman who quit her job after being asked to work at the last minute or risk being fired, and the public's support for her decisionBuzzFeed news article by Alexa Lisitza about a woman who quit her job after being asked to work at the last minute or risk being fired, and the public's support for her decision


And it got me thinking about all the ridiculous requests that bosses probably make all the time that don’t have a chance of going viral. So I’m asking you, our BuzzFeed community, to share the most unfair request you’ve received or the most ridiculous thing your boss has ever asked you to do at work.

You may have planned your vacation a year in advance, but when the two-week countdown began, your boss asked if you would cancel your time off so another coworker could take their family on a trip last minute trip to Disney World. instead.

A woman in an office looks worried as she asks: "Why do we shout?"A woman in an office looks worried as she asks: "Why do we shout?"

Or maybe your company’s vice president made it very clear that he wanted documents formatted in a particular way, but your direct manager told you to ignore that instruction and fill out a document in the opposite way. Later, you were called into a meeting with your vice president and manager, who blamed you for the mistake.

Three people in professional attire sit at a glass table in an office with a view of the cityscape.  The person on the right is moving quicklyThree people in professional attire sit at a glass table in an office with a view of the cityscape.  The person on the right is moving quickly

Or maybe your boss found out a co-worker was waiting for him and slyly suggested that you, his manager, find a reason to fire him ahead of schedule. This was all incredibly shady and wrong, so you refused and were let go as well.

A person with curly hair sits at a table, looks at a laptop screen and types on the keyboard with one hand, while holding a disposable cup with the other.A person with curly hair sits at a table, looks at a laptop screen and types on the keyboard with one hand, while holding a disposable cup with the other.

Whatever the situation, we want to hear from you. Tell us the most unfair request you’ve received or the most ridiculous thing your boss has ever asked you to do at work in the comments below. Or, if you would like to remain anonymous, feel free to share via this Google Form. Your answer may appear in a future article.