
Eight Anglican pilgrims killed in Zimbabwe bus fire

Eight people died when a bus carrying 62 Anglican pilgrims visiting a shrine dedicated to Saint Bernard Mizeki in Marondera, near Harare, caught fire. The pilgrims were returning on June 16 from the annual commemorations of Bernard Mizeki, an important event that attracts tens of thousands of people each year. Saint Bernard Mizeki, African Christian missionary and martyr, died on June 18, 1896.

“Together with other diocesan leaders, we visited the scene of the accident,” Anglican Bishop Erick Ruwona of the Diocese of Manicaland said in a statement. While “54 pilgrims survived the fire… we are deeply saddened to confirm that eight pilgrims are still missing and we fear that they may have perished in the fire,” he said.

The bus caught fire on Sunday evening, leading to the death of the pilgrims who, according to police spokesperson Paul Nyathi, were “burned beyond recognition”. “We could not identify the deceased people; A DNA analysis will be necessary. Two people are also missing,” he added.

“The bus did not have a fitness certificate”

The cause of the fire remains unknown. However, after visiting the site on Sunday, Felix Mhona, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development, confirmed that “the bus operator openly admitted that the bus did not have a certificate of fitness, which means that it was not roadworthy.

“A bus without a fitness certificate should not be used to transport people, and the police will arrest the owner and driver of the bus as part of the investigation,” he said, adding that other buses of the company were immediately banned from circulation.

The Diocese of Manicaland is working closely with the relevant authorities, “including the prosecutor’s office, the police and emergency services, to establish all the details of the accident and provide support and assistance to the affected families.” “We extend our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives in this tragic event. Our prayers and thoughts are with them during this difficult time.”

Anglican leaders are also calling on all members of the Anglican community and the public to pray and offer support and assistance to the families affected by this tragedy.