
UK reform makes ‘HISTORY’, leaving Camilla Tominey shocked by explosive poll with record 24% spike

A new poll by People Polling for GBNews puts Reform on 24%, nine points above the Conservatives and just 11 points behind Labour.

But Matthew Goodwin, who led the survey, warned that pollsters “take a single poll with a large dose of caution.”

Speaking to GB News, Professor Matthew Goodwin said: “These are historic figures, it’s difficult to really know what is accurate and what is not at this stage.

“If we step back and look at the polls as a whole, I think we can actually see a number of key themes emerging.

“The first is that the Conservative vote seems to be imploding. Average support for conservatives is falling. This week, it is lower than at the start of the campaign.

“The second thing we can see is that Reform is doing much better now than they were at the start of the election campaign and the third thing we can see is that Labor maintain this very significant and impressive lead in the polls. Some polls give some evidence, but they do well.

“The big numbers are: Labor 35%, Reform 24%, Conservatives 15%, Liberal Democrats 12%.

“That’s higher than the previous peak we had for Reformation with YouGov on the 19th. This is Reformation going up to 24. Let me explain to you what I think is going on here.

“This is the week we see the reformist manifesto published. It’s a week where we’ve seen the leaders’ debates and the snap poll suggesting people thought Nigel Farage had won that debate.

“This is the week we saw the national newspapers running reformist headlines almost back to back. And to be honest with you, if you look at all the polls we’ve had over the last week, the average Reform vote has been increasing little by little in all the polls we’ve had. All the pollsters, not just us, recorded record votes for the Reform Party: not that high, but they were at record levels.

“When it comes to polls, we take a single poll with a large dose of caution. We say that’s where we think things might be.

“What I think is indisputable is that Nigel Farage and the Reform Party ran a very good election campaign. And I think there is no doubt about that now.

“If these numbers are true, however, this is a truly historic event.”