
Amazon Announces Expanding AI Generative SEO Tools to Sellers Across Europe

Amazon has used machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for over 25 years, and they are deeply ingrained in every business we operate in. ML and generative AI are transforming every industry, and retail is no exception: from the shopping experience, to fulfillment and logistics, to the tools we provide sellers for help you succeed in our store. Today, we’re excited to announce that sellers in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK can now benefit from innovations that harness the power of generative AI to dramatically simplify the process of creation of product lists as well as to enrich existing products. ads to better resonate with customers and help drive sales.

We have a long history of using AI to support our business partners. For example, we have pioneered the use of AI for personalized product recommendations based on customer behavior data, enabling sellers to present highly relevant product listings to interested customers. We also use advanced ML models to forecast demand and automate inventory management, ensuring our business partners can better plan their inventory and ensure they don’t end up out of stock of popular products. With AI-powered pricing tools, sellers gain insights into dynamic pricing strategies based on real-time data, helping them maximize their pricing strategy. Most recent innovations include generating Premium A+ content for branded products, including rich text, images, as well as generating augmented reality visualizations, such as furniture placement in a room. Across the world, in our distribution centers, we are working to ensure that more of the products customers want are stored locally and in the appropriate buildings in each region. With the help of AI, we are able to expand the selection of products we keep as close to customers as possible, stocking more of the everyday essentials that customers order and reorder regularly, this which also helps ensure faster delivery times. In Europe, we reduced the average distance traveled by each package within our intermediate mile network by 25 kilometers in 2023 compared to 2022, getting products to customers faster and helping to drive sustainability.

Recognizing the transformative potential of generative AI in particular, Amazon is actively developing and deploying a suite of AI-based tools designed to empower small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). A few weeks ago, we launched the ability for sellers in the EU and UK to benefit from generative AI when listing a new product. These AI-powered generative tools simplify the listing creation process, allowing sellers to generate compelling product titles, descriptions, and other details by simply providing a few descriptive words or simply uploading a product image. We offer product listings that are high quality and designed to interest our store customers. This streamlines operations and allows sellers to focus on other aspects of their business. Although still a relatively new feature, more than 30,000 Amazon business partners in the EU have already used one or more of our AI generative SEO tools.

Online store business partners working together in a small office - illustration of SME selling on Amazon

We also leverage generative AI capabilities to analyze and enrich existing product listings, automatically adding missing information and improving overall content quality. This not only saves sellers valuable time, but also improves the customer experience by providing richer and more complete product information. Amazon also leverages generative AI to summarize product reviews, which helps customers make better purchasing decisions and generates more informed purchases for our retail partners, driving higher sales and reducing returns. These are just a few examples of the many innovations we’re working on where generative AI can help sellers achieve greater potential.

European SMEs see the value of AI for business

Interestingly, a study of 2,500 SMEs in May 2024 in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK found that early adopters among those surveyed agreed that AI could or has benefited their organization by saving time/creating efficiencies (77%), improving content (74%), improving profitability (72%), improving customer service (70% ) and allowing them to reach more international customers (69%). This aligns with what we’re hearing from Amazon business partners who tell us they’re excited about how generative AI can improve their business operations, drive sales, and increase profitability.

The study also found that SMB owners believed that by using AI, they could reduce the time spent writing product descriptions from an average of eight hours to one hour and reduce the time spent on marketing. updates product descriptions an average of seven hours to one hour.

The research further revealed that AI-generated content can significantly improve the creation of engaging product descriptions. More than a third (33%) of SMBs believe that AI-generated content can increase product visibility when customers search. Attracting new customers is the top business challenge SMBs face (32%) and making their products more visible through AI-generated content will address this business challenge head on.

Finally, regular AI users report more benefits than those who only experience Gen AI, indicating that using AI provides greater benefits than expected. For example, 85% of respondents who regularly use AI in their organization agree that AI has significantly improved their business, including improving the quality of content.

Amazon’s generative AI tools are constantly learning and evolving, and we’re excited to see how these tools will get even better in the coming months to streamline seller operations, improve customer engagement, and provide powerful tools to stimulate their growth and success.