
Pangea Bio, Accelerating drug discovery through science inspired by nature

Pangea Bio, Accelerating drug discovery through science inspired by nature

HAS Pangea Organic, we develop transformative medicines to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions using AI to unlock nature’s neuroactive chemistry. Nature offers great potential for discovering new medicines: in fact, 84% of approved small molecule neurological therapies are inspired by nature, however, less than 1% of natural small molecules have been mapped and explored. Our proprietary PangeAITM The discovery engine combines computational metabolomics and generative AI technology to explore the other 99%, identifying neuroactive molecules from medicinal species at a fraction of the time and cost of conventional methods. Starting with species used for medical purposes, we optimize our chances of success with drug development due to existing signals of efficacy in humans. Our lead drug program is a proprietary small molecule targeting the TrkB receptor – one of the brain’s key neuroplasticity switches – and will enter Phase 1 trials in the first quarter of 2025,

How has the company evolved since its launch?

Since launching the company in 2021, we have built a world-class team of 25 scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs focused on the discovery and development of treatments for central nervous system conditions. We have advanced our internal drug portfolio, including our lead drug which is expected to enter phase 1 in early 2025, with very convincing data demonstrating its effectiveness in a wide range of pathologies, including schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Our AI discovery platform, PangeAITM has integrated more than half a billion data points representing the relationship between plants and humans, and we’ve built an advanced technology stack to power the discovery of natural compounds, with models that already outperform many of the best comparators of the sector. . Our platform is currently expanding its discovery portfolio into neurological disease areas with significant unmet need. We raised $15 million in funding, secured several non-dilutive grants, and grew into a team of over 25 people based in London and Berlin.

Can you tell our readers about your involvement with Playfair?

Women-founded startups raise less than 2% of total venture capital funding in the United States and Europe (World Economic Forum 2023). Most funds require a warm introduction from someone in their network before even considering a meeting. This practice puts female founders at a distinct disadvantage compared to their male counterparts, as they often have less access to these networks due to systemic barriers, resulting in gatekeeping before the pitch even begins. Programs like Playfair’s Female Founder Office Hours (FFOH) are designed to bridge this gap by providing female founders with direct access to investors, mentorship and advice to advance their businesses despite traditional barriers.

Last year we participated in the FFOH program and had the opportunity to connect directly with investors through the Playfair network. This initiative not only provided access to potential funding, but also provided invaluable mentorship and advice that significantly advanced our fundraising efforts.

Tell us about the work culture at Pangea Bio

Drug discovery is a complex symphony, harmonizing expertise from diverse fields such as chemistry, biology and pharmacology. At Pangea, we go even further by integrating cutting-edge technology, combining people from AI, data science and software engineers. Given this complexity, collaboration is essential. Our culture thrives on merging diverse perspectives to achieve our mission. Our goal is to combine the agility and speed of a technology startup with the rigorous and scientific approach of a biotechnology company. This allows us to innovate rapidly while maintaining high scientific standards in our discovery pipeline, pushing the boundaries of developing breakthrough therapies.

How can we make entrepreneurship more accessible in the UK and beyond?

Making entrepreneurship more accessible in the UK and beyond starts with better access to finance and building strong mentoring networks. Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle to bring their ideas to fruition due to a lack of financial resources. By increasing the availability of grants, microloans, and investment opportunities specifically aimed at underrepresented groups, we can reduce this barrier. The role of mentoring and networking is equally important. Connecting new entrepreneurs with experienced business leaders through structured programs and events can provide invaluable advice and support. These two initiatives can create a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem, helping more people turn their ideas into successful businesses.

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how did you overcome it?

One of the most exciting and challenging aspects of our business and mission is navigating a very complex web of diverse stakeholders. On the one hand, we work with indigenous communities and countries with whom we sign benefit-sharing agreements to access a wide range of knowledge on biodiversity and traditional medicine. On the other hand, we interact with pharmaceutical companies with whom we wish to collaborate, regulators and, of course, investors in the technology and biotechnology sectors, where our goal is to demonstrate scientific rigor and scalable potential of our portfolio and platform of drug candidates.

Coordinating among such a diverse set of stakeholders requires exceptional communication and negotiation skills, as well as a deep understanding of the unique needs and perspectives of each group. We approach this challenge by fostering strong, respectful relationships with transparent communication, regular updates, and actively seeking feedback to align our goals with the interests of our stakeholders.

Although challenging, working within this complex ecosystem is incredibly rewarding. Each piece of the puzzle from these unique stakeholders is essential to achieving the holistic picture, allowing us to leverage a rich body of knowledge and expertise to unlock the therapeutic potential of species used for medicinal purposes.

How does Pangea Bio meet an unmet need?

At Pangea Bio, we face three major challenges.

First, there is a huge need for new treatments for neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, which affect millions of people and for which existing treatments are woefully inadequate. Our mission is to develop transformative therapies that can improve the quality of life and health outcomes of these patients.

Second, most drugs fail, partly due to safety and effectiveness issues, and what works in the lab often doesn’t work in humans. We use our discovery platform to identify medicinal species that have been used historically for neurological purposes and apply AI to decode their active chemistry. This approach increases our chances of developing effective and safe therapies in humans because we start with natural material that already shows some signs of working in human biology.

Third, we leverage AI to revolutionize the process of discovering natural compounds from sources such as plants, which has traditionally been extremely slow, expensive and labor-intensive. With our PangeAITM platform, we reduce discovery times from years to months and dramatically reduce costs, making this possible on an unprecedented scale.

What does the future hold for us?

Our vision at Pangea Bio is to transform the lives of patients with neurological diseases by becoming a market leader with a portfolio of revolutionary neurological therapies for a wide range of conditions. We continue to evolve our PangeAITM of discovery, exponentially increasing our underlying data to create one of the largest natural chemistry datasets in the world and continuing to develop cutting-edge technology to discover new active molecules from natural sources. We are also growing our global network of partners to harness unique biodiversity from around the world to power our discovery programs. Additionally, we are working to implement partnerships with healthcare companies to support their product portfolios and bring meaningful solutions to the market.

What advice would you give to other founders or future founders?

Embrace resilience and adaptability! Starting a business is an adventure full of ups and downs. It is therefore essential to remain flexible and bounce back from setbacks. View every challenge as a chance to learn and grow. Surround yourself with a supportive team, keep your vision clear, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary. It’s not just about having a good idea, it’s about being persistent and willing to adapt when things change. Keep moving forward and believe in your mission: this is what will get you through the most difficult times!

And finally, a more personal question! What is your daily routine and rules you follow at the moment?

It’s difficult to maintain a daily routine in the fast-paced environment of a startup, but I find that small rituals and practices help keep me grounded. Like many others, I never miss my morning cup of black coffee: it has the dual effect of waking me up while also giving me a quiet moment to organize my day before it kicks into high gear. I also try to start my day with a few minutes of meditation, which helps clear my mind – but no one is perfect, so if I miss it in the morning, I try to find time for it at a given time, even if it’s on the train to get to my destination. work or during a quick break between meetings. And I’m a firm believer in taking care of yourself, which is why I’m consistent enough to end my day with an 8-step skincare routine and a stack of supplements. As far as philosophies go, the one that has really shaped my life is having a radical growth mindset. I have discovered that with the right approach, each setback is actually a springboard to grow as a person. Ultimately, it’s about staying grounded, taking care of yourself, and seeing every challenge as an opportunity to grow!

Sona Chandra is the president and co-founder of Pangea Bio.