
Ready to break the glass ceiling? Six ideas for Europe to better support equal leadership in research

Ready to break the glass ceiling?  Six ideas for Europe to better support equal leadership in research

The representation of women in most scientific fields is improving, but the top positions in academia remain dominated by men. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Elsevier Foundation, EWORA and the Science|Business Network. It provides recommendations to inspire actions towards gender parity in scientific leadership across Europe. The recommendations are based on a series of podcast interviews, Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Conversations with Women Leaders in Academia, during which 15 eminent rectresses and presidents share their experience and ideas. It also draws on data from the latest Elsevier report, Progress towards gender equality in research and innovation — 2024 reviewas well as views expressed by experts and guests during a panel discussion at the annual Science|Business conference in February 2024.

Ready to break the glass ceiling?  Six ideas for Europe to better support equal leadership in research