
Who is Darth Traya in “The Acolyte”? Explain

Who is Darth Traya in “The Acolyte”?  Explain

As viewers speculate about the identity of The Acolytemysterious Sith villain, they may find additional clues in the Star Wars character who inspired the villain: Darth Traya.

Since episode 1, viewers have been intrigued by the presence of a mysterious Sith master. The masked figure is only referred to as the Master, and none of the characters are aware of his identity. Even Mae (Amandla Stenberg), who has become very proficient in the Force thanks to the Master’s teaching, doesn’t know who is behind the mask. However, the series heavily hints that the Master is a Sith, given his red lightsaber, black clothing, and haunting mask.

NOW, The Acolyte draws closer to the revelation of the Master’s identity, as the mysterious character finally crossed paths with the Jedi, Osha and Mae on Khofar. The figure demonstrated a significant level of power as it managed to send an entire team of Jedi to the ground with a single Force explosion. Unfortunately, the episode ended on a cliffhanger without unmasking its main villain. However, designer Leslye Headland may have dropped a hint of the Master when revealing her inspiration.

Who is Darth Traya in Star Wars?

In an interview with Geek denHeadland spoke about taking inspiration from Legends to The Acolyte. She said: “Dark Traya really inspired me.” Dark Traya, originally known as Kreia, is a character in the video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, who is voiced by Sara Kestelman. So far, the non-canon video game marks Dark Traya’s only appearance in the Star Wars or Legends universe.

Before becoming Darth Traya, Kreia was a member of the Jedi Order who attained the rank of Jedi Master. From the start, she was a bit of an unconventional Jedi who spent so much time in a meditative state that her eyesight grew weaker. Eventually, she decided she didn’t need to see and became blind, only seeing things through the Force. As she began training students, including Revan, the Jedi Order noticed that the majority of them eventually turned to the dark side. Revan became the Dark Lord of the Sith and established a Sith Empire. Upon seeing this, the Jedi Order voted to exile Kreia.

During the exile, Kreia traveled to Malachor and discovered her former student’s Trayus Academy, where Darth Revan had trained the Sith. Learning the history and beliefs of the Sith, she eventually chose the dark side and became Darth Traya, the Lord of Betrayal. She soon set out to carry on Darth Revan’s legacy and use Trayus Academy to raise a new generation of Sith. However, his students, Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, become too power hungry and eventually exile him from the Sith Empire. Betrayed by both the Jedi and the Sith, Darth Traya harbored a deep hatred for the Force.

She resumed her identity as Kreia and soon formed a friendship with a fellow exiled Jedi, Meetra Surik, and became her mentor. Together, they began locating other hidden Jedi Masters to unite against the Sith. Unfortunately, Kreia once again declared herself Darth Traya, revealing her Sith associations and assassinating numerous Jedi Masters. She then returned to Malachor and defeated Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, establishing herself as the Dark Lord. Upon resuming her position, she reveals her ultimate plan to bring about the death of the Force and potentially the death of all Sith and Jedi who are sentient to it. However, his plan is foiled by Surik, who defeats his former master.

What Darth Traya’s Inspiration Means The Acolyte

Headland does not specify which aspect of The Acolyte was inspired by Dark Traya, but it would make sense that the video game villain inspired the series’ main antagonist. Meanwhile, if the Master follows a somewhat similar arc to Darth Traya, it may hint at betrayal and a villain who is neither entirely for the Jedi nor the Sith. IndieWire suggested that Dark Traya’s influence could cast Qimir (Manny Jacinto) as the villain. Like Darth Traya, he could pose as a companion and ally to Mae, only to betray her and reveal his true identity as a Sith.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen what Dark Traya’s inspiration means for The Acolyte. However, it’s exciting to know that The Master could potentially extract elements of a scheming villain with shifting allegiances and an unusual perspective on the Force.

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