
Rescuer is shocked to find elderly cat with the cutest surprise roommate

An experienced cat rescuer visited her ward to feed all the cats in her care and had a very interesting surprise when she looked into one of the kennels.

One of her elderly cats found herself living with a rather adorable new roommate.

The video was uploaded by the @Sovereign.warrior.being TikTok account and people are too amused by the whole situation.

One person commented: “That’s her emotional support baby possum!” Someone else replied: “Cats are like…oh him? It’s just Jerry…he’s fine…he’s been here all night…”

Related: Pet Possum’s Adoration for His Father Is Full of So Much Love

One person added: “Congratulations. The possum distribution system chose you, so now you have a new rescue possum.”

Someone else suggested: “I bet he got in through the catio fence as he can fit through the holes, and latched onto one of the cats when the cat was outside, and the cat accepted the possum as a baby…?” Haha! It’s a pretty cute theory and the cat seems completely unbothered by his new boyfriend.

I wonder if somehow the cat got out and this little baby clung to it? And what about keeping other possums from entering the building and participating in that sleepover?

Fun Facts About Opossums

Ils sont trop mignons.

<p>Karel Bock/Shutterstock</p>
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They are so cute.

Karel Bock/Shutterstock

Opossums are such fascinating creatures and I’m sure many of us have seen videos of people who have opossums as pets and they are just too cute. Opossums are the only marsupials found in North America. This means they look like kangaroos and carry their newborns in their pouch. When babies grow, they cling to their mother’s back.

Opossums use their tails to hold on to objects when they climb, and they may also use their tails to carry small objects.

This baby opossum probably felt right at home with this cat, because opossums also constantly clean themselves like cats do. Both animals are very clean.

Even if they kick this little guy out, he might come back soon. Opossums have excellent memories, especially when it comes to remembering food sources. If this cat had a bowl of food in his kennel, he might have a forever roommate! Studies have shown that they can remember the location of food better than rats, cats and dogs.

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