
Hunter offshore wind farm offered preliminary feasibility license

Hunter offshore wind farm offered preliminary feasibility license


The Federal Government has made a preliminary decision to shortlist the Novocastrian offshore wind project for the next stage of the feasibility permitting process.

Equinor and Oceanex have been offered a preliminary feasibility license for the potential Novocastrian Wind project.

The Registrar of Offshore Infrastructure has received eight applications for feasibility licenses over the 1,854 km2 area.

The federal government said only one feasibility license was being proposed because the other applications were for overlapping areas and were deemed to be of lesser value.

If approved, the proposed project could:

  • Providing 2 GW of renewable electricity
  • Powering 1.2 million homes
  • Create approximately 3,000 jobs during construction and between 200 and 300 jobs ongoing
  • Provide more employment opportunities with suppliers

NSW Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen is expected to conduct further consultations with applicants and First Nations groups before a final decision is made.

Consultation with First Nations groups, communities, unions and marine users will continue throughout the feasibility permit process, while environmental studies and a detailed management plan are prepared.

In addition to providing reliable renewable energy to Australian industry, offshore wind projects will need to maximize their use of Australian supply chains and consult closely with local industry and workers on their project plans to ensure workers and Local businesses benefit from the creation of this new industry.

There are also clear requirements for the offshore wind developer: they must consult fishermen and avoid, mitigate and compensate for any impacts on fishing.

If the feasibility of the Novocastrian Wind project is proven, the developer can then apply for a commercial license to construct an offshore wind project to produce electricity commercially.

Mr Bowen said the shortlisted project was the one that did the most to support Hunter industries and communities while protecting the environment and sharing the ocean.

“The Hunter has been an industrial and economic powerhouse for generations, and my decision today is a big step towards providing this powerhouse with reliable renewable energy,” Mr Bowen said.

“The project I have shortlisted offers the greatest rewards for Hunter and Australia: supporting our workforce and energy security, protecting our environment and sharing our marine space with the people and industries that depend on it today ‘today.’

Newcastle MP Sharon Claydon said there is no other region as well placed as Newcastle to take advantage of the fantastic opportunities presented by renewable energy and the offshore wind industry.

“Newcastle’s world-class infrastructure, our deep-water port, skilled workforce, abundant resources and energy intelligence mean our region is poised to lead this transformation,” Ms Claydon said.

“A new offshore wind industry in Newcastle means new jobs in local manufacturing, construction, shipping, transport and logistics, as well as the development of our vocational education and training pathways – at TAFE and university.

“This announcement builds on the Federal Government’s strong commitment to ensuring regions like Newcastle and Hunter play a leading role in the production, storage and distribution of clean energy, now and in the future. future.

The featured image: A map showing the location of the proposed Novocastrian Wind project. Picture credit: Department of Climate Change, energy, environment and water.