
Scientists reject theory that griffins were inspired by dinosaur fossils

Scientists reject theory that griffins were inspired by dinosaur fossils

Scientists claim to have debunked the theory that dinosaur fossils inspired the griffin myth.

According to legends dating back to the 4th millennium BC, the griffin, or griffin, was a fabulous creature with the head of a rapacious bird and wings on the body of a lion.

And for more than 30 years, it has been widely believed that the griffin mythology was started by early fossil hunters in Mongolia and northern China, who may have stumbled upon fossils of the dinosaur Protoceratops while were looking for gold.

This relative of Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous about 75 to 71 million years ago and, like griffins, they stood on four legs, had a beak and frill-like extensions on their skull that could have been interpreted as wings.

The theory of this connection was proposed by classical folklorist Adrienne Mayor in her 1989 cryptozoology article titled “Paleocryptozoology.”

Dr Mark Witton and Richard Hing, palaeontologists at the University of Portsmouth, have reassessed the historical fossil record against Ms Mayor’s arguments and say they have concluded that it does not “stand up to scrutiny”.

They say the suggestion that the Protoceratops fossils were discovered by nomads searching for gold does not hold up because no gold has been found near known fossil sites, and add that even if they had been found, it is unlikely that they would have been recognized as Protoceratops fossils. remains of a creature.

Dr Witton said: “It is assumed that dinosaur skeletons are discovered half exposed, lying almost like the remains of recently deceased animals.

“But, generally speaking, only a fraction of an eroding dinosaur skeleton will be visible to the naked eye, unnoticed by all but sharp-eyed fossil hunters.

“This is almost certainly how ancient people wandering Mongolia encountered Protoceratops.

It seems more likely that the remains of Protoceratops would have, on the whole, gone unnoticed – if gold prospectors were there to see them.

Dr Mark Witton, University of Portsmouth

“If they wanted to know more, as they would need to if they formed myths about these animals, they would have to extract the fossil from the surrounding rock.

“This is no easy feat, even with modern tools, glues, protective packaging and preparatory techniques.

“It seems more likely that the remains of Protoceratops would have, on the whole, gone unnoticed – if gold prospectors were there to see them.”

In their study, published in Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, they also argue that the geographic spread of griffin art throughout history does not fit the scenario of griffin tradition beginning with Central Asian fossils and then spreading to the west.

Dr Witton said: “Everything about the origins of griffins is consistent with their traditional interpretation as imaginary beasts, just as their appearance is entirely explained by their being chimeras of big cats and animals. rapacious birds.

“Invoking a role for dinosaurs in griffon lore, especially for species from distant lands like Protoceratops, not only introduces unnecessary complexity and inconsistencies into their origins, but also relies on interpretations and propositions that do not do not stand up to close scrutiny.”

The authors added that there is excellent evidence for the cultural importance of fossils throughout human history, with countless examples of fossils inspiring folklore across the world, known as “geomyths.” .

Mr Hing said: “It is important to distinguish between fact-based fossil folklore – that is, the connections between fossils and myths evidenced by archaeological finds or compelling references in literature and works of art – and speculated connections based on intuition.

“There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea that ancient people found dinosaur bones and incorporated them into their mythology, but we must ground these propositions in the realities of history, geography and paleontology. Otherwise, it’s just speculation.