
BV BOT to review crossing development agreement, street names and right of way release – by Carly Winchell

BV BOT to review crossing development agreement, street names and right of way release – by Carly Winchell

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BV BOT to review crossing development agreement, street names and right of way release – by Carly Winchell

Paul Andrews makes a presentation to the Buena Vista Board of Directors on the major The Crossing subdivision project. Photo by Carly Winchell

The Buena Vista (BV) Board of Directors (BoT) will meet next Tuesday, June 25, beginning with a work session at 6:00 p.m. The work session will focus on reports from Chaffee County Fire Protection District Fire Chief Blain Schumacher and BV Police. Chief Dean Morgan. The regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Both meetings will take place at the BV Community Center (715 Main Street East).

Topics of discussion and action focus primarily on the main subdivision, The Crossing.

The passage logo. Courtesy of

Elements that the BoT must consider include:

  • Crossing Major Subdivision Development Agreement
  • Rename the streets of The Crossing
  • Release of right-of-way located in The Crossing development
  • A discussion on “issues related to water augmentation certificates”

Information about the development, including potential street names, is included in Voices from the Valley of the Arche’Previous coverage of The Crossing: The Crossing commits to 50% affordable housing in Phase 1 of development.

The consent agenda for the study includes approval of the June 11 and May 2 Tree Advisory Council meeting minutes. Reports from the city clerk, city treasurer, recreation director and airport director are on the consent agenda, alongside resolutions to appoint Bill Bryans as an alternate member of the Historic Preservation Committee and Judith Menzi as a member of the tree advisory board.

Public participation in the meeting is encouraged. Citizens can register before the meeting to speak within a limit of three minutes per person and fifteen minutes per subject.

The public can attend the meeting remotely or participate in public comments or public hearings virtually, by connecting to video conferencing.

To register for public comments remotely, speakers can click the raise hand button on Zoom when prompted by the mayor, or press *9 on a phone. Speakers can also send their name, address and topic to be discussed to [email protected].

Conference access information:
Password: 070320

Participants can also listen by phone at 719-359-4580
Meeting number: 811 3857 0285
Password: 070320

The complete agenda and meeting files are available on the City’s website.