
Vandalism of Olathe “DonkDonk” icon caught on camera

Vandalism of Olathe “DonkDonk” icon caught on camera

OLATHE, Kan. (KCTV) – If you live in Olathe, you may have come across a donkey statue on W 143.rd St. Affectionately known as “Donk Donk,” his owner says he had a fun start.

“We put the donkey there after the road was widened and I couldn’t find my driveway,” his owner said. “I thought I would see this big thing on my lawn and it would remind me to turn into my driveway.”

She says Donk Donk quickly became known in the neighborhood.

“Every time I paint it, at least two people will come up to me and tell me how much they love seeing it.” said his owner. “Like their kids love seeing it and they can’t wait to see how it’s painted next.”

Its owner started painting it from time to time to coincide with the season or holidays. It was recently painted like a rainbow.

“It coincided with Pride Month, but it’s painted that way because a little girl asked me to do it,” its owner said. “Sometimes I would go there around Christmas with a wreath and it has already been decorated by someone. We put a crown on him, or we put holly near him. One year they put a little Christmas tree near him. It’s been here for years and this is the first time it’s been damaged like this.

Two weeks ago they tried to start a fire at Donk Donk, so they installed a security camera. Then, earlier this week, the camera caught photos of two people allegedly vandalizing the donkey.

“It was destroyed and dragged across the street and thrown into the woods,” its owner said. “It makes me really sad that something that brought so much joy has been destroyed.”

She spoke about them on Next Door, hoping they will be identified. She received hundreds of reactions and responses.

“They not only destroyed my property and stole something that belonged to me, but they also turned an entire area upside down,” her owner said. “I was happy to make this little girl happy and these guys had absolutely no right to do what they did. I no longer have money, I no longer have time, I no longer have happiness for the people around me. I hope someone comes forward and says I know who he is. It’s just terrible.

She filed a complaint with the police but says the damage is irreparable.

“It’s just terrible,” she said. “It lets out the sand with which it was filled. His entire head is so cracked it’s going to fall off. At this point I’ll probably have to remove it.

Although she doesn’t know what she will do next, she is grateful that he has brought joy to many people in the area over the years.

“I loved painting it and hearing the positive feedback from everyone,” she said. “I loved seeing people stop and take pictures with him and the little kids stopping and petting him. “It has its place, but it won’t be there much longer because it’s too badly damaged.”