
Stephen Curry and his wife Ayesha are unusually silent over vandalism that hit near their home

Stephen Curry and his wife Ayesha are unusually silent over vandalism that hit near their home

Being one of the most influential power couples in the NBA, Stephen and Ayesha Curry have consistently invested their time and resources to make life easier for the underprivileged. To facilitate their goal, they also founded Eat.Learn.Play. Foundation five years ago, which helped provide quality reading resources, nutritious meals and play opportunities to thousands of Oakland children. However, someone seems to have a problem with Steph and Ayesha’s efforts, as one of their funded facilities was vandalized earlier this week.

In a shameful act, a garden that was added to the playground at Oakland’s Global Family Elementary School two years ago after receiving a portion of funds from Steph and Ayesha’s foundation was severely damaged by vandals. According to the Oakland Unified School District, the vandals “He destroyed the planters, ripped out the irrigation system, broke all the wooden benches, damaged a ladder and left everything in the area a mess. » Leaving the place in need of a major overhaul.


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Adding unnecessary expense to the school and damaging a place where students enjoyed spending their time, the law appears to have no obvious purpose other than to ruin school property. “It’s unfortunate that anyone would think that causing this kind of damage anywhere would be fun, funny or a good idea.” OUSD added. While local authorities attempt to arrest the vandals who committed this act, Steph and Ayesha, who helped build the property, have not made their thoughts on the whole ordeal public.. Perhaps their silence is because they also wonder why anyone would damage a property designed to help underprivileged children.

Steph and Ayesha Curry’s impact on the community


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Although the recent vandalism is a minor obstacle for the couple, it is unlikely to stop their efforts to help Oakland residents excel. With their foundation, the Currys set a goal of providing more than six million school meals per year to nearly 35,000 students across 85 institutions. For this, they have even partnered with organizations like No Kid Hungry, Community Kitchens and more.

Meanwhile, plans are also underway to develop several school grounds and provide them with the best sports facilities to help students reach their maximum potential. Partnering with sports giants like Under Armour, Oakland Athletic League and more, Steph and Ayesha are constantly striving to make Oakland schools a better place for children to learn and grow.

“It’s the fact that these are three very simple things in life that every child should have access to, and so when you can’t afford these things, you ask yourself: How can I dream?” Ayesha Curry explained how the idea for their foundation came about. Meanwhile, Steph said in an interview last year: “These children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential, especially those from Black and Brown communities. » And maybe Steph and Ayesha will soon express their thoughts on the recent vandalism once they analyze the whole situation.


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Before you go, be sure to check out what Shaquille O’Neal’s ex-agent, Leonard Armato, has to say about the alleged beef between Shaq and Kobe Lakers. Keep watching this space for more such updates.