
What should I consider before making big decisions in life?

What should I consider before making big decisions in life?

Essentially what you’re asking is what you should invest your life in. Don’t think in terms of what job to take or what training to do. The important thing is this life. For everyone, their life is precious. What do you want to invest this precious life in? If you look at it this way, you’ll discover something that’s definitely worth it. If you think about how to earn a living and get something, you will do something stupid that you will regret for the rest of your life.

Most people are regrets, that’s why they walk around without joy – they don’t do what they want. Instead of creating what really matters to them, they do something to earn a living. Every creature, worm, insect, bird and animal earns its living. Earning a living is not a big deal for a human being. Unfortunately, because of ten to twenty generations of poverty in this country, people have fallen into this mode. Parents are constantly asking their children how they will earn a living. When an earthworm can make a living, is making a living a problem for a human being with such a big brain?

The question is what you will create, because what you call your life is only a certain amount of time and energy. This energy that you call your life, how are you going to invest it? If you do something truly worthwhile, you’ll get rid of it before you know what happened. Only if you do something worthless, it feels like a long life. Have you noticed this? One particular day when you were very happy, 24 hours passed like an instant. If you’re unhappy, 24 hours feels like ten years.

One thing every young person should do is stay alone for at least two or three days without the influence of your peers, teachers or parents and think about what you want to invest this precious life into. Whether it’s big or small, it doesn’t matter. If you see that something is truly worth doing and invest your life in it, it will be a life of fulfillment.