
WBA Foundation Announces Date for U.S. Senate Debate

The WBA Foundation Council will continue its 34-year tradition of hosting statewide televised debates for Wisconsin voters by broadcasting a general election debate during Wisconsin’s 2024 U.S. Senate race .

Qualified candidates for U.S. Senate Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde have been invited and agreed to participate in a debate on October 18 at 7 p.m., hosted by WMTV-TV in Madison. Radio and television stations from across Wisconsin will participate in producing the debate. Details, including panelists and format, will be announced at a later date.

The hour-long debate will be made available to Wisconsin radio and television stations for live or delayed broadcast.

“The WBA Foundation is honored to bring this important debate to Wisconsin voters as part of our long history of using our debates to promote the civic and political process.” said Michelle Vetterkind, president and CEO of WBAF.

The debate will be moderated by veteran TV debate moderator and WBA Hall of Fame inductee Jill Geisler. Geisler is the Bill Plante Chair in Media Leadership and Integrity at Loyola University Chicago. She is a Wisconsin native and was one of the first female news directors of a major market affiliate when she was news director at WITI-TV in Milwaukee. She moderated the WBAF debates in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2022.

“I look forward to the Wisconsin Broadcasters’ Association debate this fall so voters across the state can learn more about the work we do together and the choice they have in this race.” , Baldwin said.

“I look forward to debating with Senator Baldwin and sharing my vision for addressing the critical challenges facing Wisconsinites,” Hovde said. “Voters deserve transparency, and I appreciate the WBA for hosting this debate, providing every Wisconsinite across the state the opportunity to hear my solutions to restore the American dream.”

The WBA encourages its members to inform the public by broadcasting this debate and their own programming to help educate voters ahead of the election.

The WBA Foundation Debate is sponsored by the Wisconsin Counties Association.

The WBA is a nonpartisan trade association representing radio and television broadcasters across the state.

Questions or inquiries regarding the debates should be directed to [email protected].