
Western powers pledge to halt Iran’s nuclear progress, warn of reimposition of sanctions

Western powers pledge to halt Iran’s nuclear progress, warn of reimposition of sanctions

Representatives of Western powers pledged at a UN Security Council meeting to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon by using “all necessary means”, including reinstating Iran sanctions. UN.

The E3 (Britain, France and Germany) could trigger the UN rollback mechanism that would reinstate sanctions against Iran under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 before October 2025, a British UN envoy Barbara Woodward said during a Security Council press briefing on Iran.

“In October next year, this resolution must expire and with it the right to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran. Given Iran’s dangerous advances that have brought it to the brink of capacity to develop a weapon, this situation should be of great concern to this Council,” Woodward said.

“We will continue to keep all diplomatic options on the table, including triggering a UN rollback before October 2025, if necessary,” she warned.

The snapback mechanism was designed as part of the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA). This would allow an individual participant in the deal to reinstate all UN sanctions against Tehran if it believes it is violating the deal.

Speaking at the same press briefing, the US envoy to the United Nations said his country was ready to take all necessary measures to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

US envoy to the UN, Robert Wood

“The United States is prepared to use any means necessary to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran,” said U.S. Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood.

Wood emphasized that “Iran’s actions suggest that it is not interested in verifiably demonstrating that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful.”

“Iran continues to deny the international community visibility into its nuclear activities. It obstructs the IAEA’s efforts to resolve outstanding safeguards issues and deliberately obstructs the IAEA’s verification and monitoring activities.” , did he declare.

“When Iran blatantly and repeatedly defies the Security Council, without any consequences, and ignores the concerns expressed by the IAEA, it undermines the credibility and authority of this body, charged with promoting peace and international security,” said the American envoy.

Wood’s remarks come amid growing concern over Iran’s nuclear program, which has expanded rapidly in recent years as access has been limited and many U.N. inspectors excluded.

Tehran is preparing to triple or even quadruple its uranium enrichment capacity at Fordow, one of the nation’s most secretive nuclear facilities, according to reports released Wednesday by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) and the Washington Post.

The Biden administration had previously threatened to retaliate against Iran if it further accelerated its uranium enrichment.

Iran’s revelation of its plans comes after IAEA member states approved a formal reprimand on June 5 in response to its nuclear defiance.

The IAEA Board of Governors resolution called on Iran to strengthen cooperation with the watchdog and reverse its recent ban on inspectors.

However, Iran’s top nuclear official said it clearly on Sunday that the country’s interactions with the UN nuclear watchdog are limited to the legal limits of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and safeguards.