
Did Boy Smells really make a poppers scented candle?

Did Boy Smells really make a poppers scented candle?

Photo-illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Retailer

If you want to feel the ambiance of Troye Sivan style in the peace and comfort of your own home, then I have the candle for you. In honor of Pride Month, Boy Smells released a candle that she says smells like poppers. Technically, the Citrush candle delivers a “citrus high of pomelo, black pepper, and musk,” which I suppose is probably the closest you can get to the smell of alkyl nitrites while always smelling good.

My first question was: Why? And the answer to that question is that it’s a fun way to get PR for your business and align yourself with queer consumers. My second question was: How? Turns out Boy Smells was way ahead of me on this one. On Monday, the company shared a TikTok in which a team member instructs her female colleagues on how to take a deep sniff and spin the room.

“So Daryll, I just want to make sure we’re on board with doing this from an HR perspective,” asked a guy named Zach, who was leading the meeting. Daryll replied “Of course!” ”, which is not really what you want your HR manager to say before everyone starts sniffing chemicals in a Zoom meeting. That being said, I’m glad she did it. If the idea of ​​watching a group of (probably) straight women try poppers for the first time in the middle of the work day sounds funny to you, you’re really going to have fun watching this video. Will you be charmed enough to buy a $48 candle that smells like a club at 2 a.m.? This is between you and your god (Charli XCX).