
John Mulaney says KTLA-inspired Netflix special is ‘incredible’

John Mulaney says KTLA-inspired Netflix special is ‘incredible’

An “incredible” local news station in Los Angeles inspired John Mulaney’s Netflix special “Everybody in Los Angeles,” the comedian says.

In an interview with Variety, Mulaney said his six-part special, which was part of the larger “Netflix is ​​a Joke” festival, was even better because there were so many comedians in town at the same time .

However, for “Everybody’s in Los Angeles,” Mulaney said he wanted to do things a little differently because the City of Angels “really baffles and intrigues him.”

“I said, ‘I’ll do it if I can cover Los Angeles like local TV,'” Mulaney said. “I’ll have all the comics, (and) we’ll integrate them.”

And he was only talking about one local station: Los Angeles’ Very Own KTLA 5.

“I would like (the special) to feel like KTLA,” he said. “Those of you who know…this is an amazing local station in Los Angeles.”

“And (Netflix executives) were OK with that,” he added.

On behalf of the entire KTLA family, thank you for your kind words, John. You are always welcome !