
silent scene in front of the investigating judge

The investigating judge of the L’Aquila juvenile court validated the detention of the two boys charged with the murder of Thomas Luciani . He also ordered both of them to be detained in a juvenile facility. During the interrogation, the two sixteen-year-olds used their right not to answer .

“The circumstantial framework highlights the harmful impulse, that of causing suffering and killing a human being, as the determining cause of the action to the point of almost integrating the futile motive, that is to say the motive which is simply apparent and in reality non-existent, which hides the only true intention, which is to cause suffering and death”, writes the investigating judge of the Juvenile Court of L ‘Aquila, Roberto Ferrari, in the provision.

“The precautionary needs must be considered as existing – we read – taking into account the seriousness of the assassination, which manifests itself an extremely violent inclination of the suspects, far surpassing the motive behind the attack , so that it must be considered that the exaction of the credit only activated the criminal impulse, thus cutting any further link with the objective of the meeting with the debtor. Even the execution of the crime – continues the judge – confirms the absolute predominance of the homicidal impulse over stimuli linked to the search for profit or the sanction of non-compliance . Furthermore, it seems that one of the two boys (i.e. the policeman’s son, editor’s note) has no connection with these objectives linked to the apparent motive.

At the end of the validation hearing lawyer Marco Di Giulio , who assists one of the two minors, speaks and describes his brief encounter with the young man: “The boy is in shock, absent, cold in the face of his emotions. But I think it’s normal, he is a child who perhaps realizes that he has done something greater than himself . I already spoke to him on Sunday evening, I find it normal that he doesn’t cope well with it, but I know that he is well supported by the institutions, and will slowly come out of this black hole. I got the only smile from him when I brought him greetings from his girlfriend “.


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