
Meet Sonny, the new winner of the Gerber Baby competition

There’s officially a new Gerber baby on stage!

On Tuesday, the baby food brand announced the winner of its 14th annual Gerber Baby photo contest: Akil “Sonny” McLeod, 1, from Arizona.

Sonny's nickname comes from his sunny personality. Sonny's nickname comes from his sunny personality.

Sonny’s nickname comes from his sunny personality. Courtesy of the McLeod family

A panel of judges – which for the first time included the parents of previous winners – selected Sonny from tens of thousands of submissions from babies under 2 years old.

“Sonny’s adorable photo featured his smiling face and a sunny mobile hanging in the background,” Angela Madlangbayan, vice president of marketing at Gerber, told HuffPost. “His submission immediately won the hearts of the selection jury. We loved hearing how his family celebrates the times they spent with him daily and appreciating how their past experiences led them to seek the light even in difficult times.

Sonny will appear on Gerber's social media and marketing campaigns throughout the year. Sonny will appear on Gerber's social media and marketing campaigns for the year.

Sonny will appear on Gerber’s social media and marketing campaigns for the year. Courtesy of the McLeod family

As the 2024 Gerber baby, Sonny will appear on the brand’s social media and marketing campaigns throughout the year. His family will receive a $25,000 cash prize, free Gerber products for a year, a new wardrobe and an assortment of other prizes.

“When we got Sonny, everyone kept telling us he looked like a Gerber baby, which inspired us to apply!” » his mother, Dominique McLeod, told HuffPost. “We are still in shock! We thought Sonny could win, of course, but the experiences since we found out have been incredible.

Sonny traveled to New York with his parents and sister Sage for the announcement of the winner of the Gerber Baby contest. Sonny traveled to New York with his parents and sister Sage for the announcement of the winner of the Gerber Baby contest.

Sonny traveled to New York with his parents and sister Sage for the announcement of the winner of the Gerber Baby contest. Courtesy of the McLeod family

Her family hopes her smile and sunny personality will bring joy to people. Her family hopes her smile and sunny personality will bring joy to people.

Her family hopes her smile and sunny personality will bring joy to people. Courtesy of the McLeod family

To announce the news, the brand flew Sonny, his parents and his sister Sage to New York, where they attended press events and also had the chance to reunite with their extended family in the state. They hope the “sunny” character that inspired their son’s nickname will also inspire joy and kindness in others.

“Sonny has a smile and a unique presence that should be shared,” said his father Akil McLeod. “He lights up every room he enters!” I think it’s important to share love and positivity, and our family feels the importance of that every day with Sonny. If just one person’s day is made better by seeing our adorable Sonny, that’s worth celebrating.
