
McEnroe Tears Up Unfair Crowds Who Treated Novak Djokovic Badly

There are champions beloved by the crowds, capable of channeling the love of hordes of supporters and transforming it into strength. Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Venus and Serena Williams And Maria Sharapova have done so throughout their careers. Novak Djokovic did too, even though the Serbian champion often received criticism from the public. Many, wrongly and perhaps foolishly, saw him as a third wheel, ready to step onto the stage that – according to the aforementioned fans – rightfully belonged to Federer and Nadal. Nole did it, regardless of the crowds, with the brute force of his robotic tennis, carving out a sensational place in sporting history, becoming the GOAT of tennis.

Nole is trying to recover in time from the meniscus injury suffered at Roland Garros, which forced him to undergo surgery. His presence at Wimbledon Championship is still uncertain and it is only with the publication of the main draw, scheduled for tomorrow, Friday June 28, that we will know if the outgoing finalist will be among the protagonists of the tournament.

Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic © Getty Images Sport – Naomi Baker

John McEnroe, in an interview with iNews, praised the 37-year-old Belgrader, speaking about the Serb’s treatment by crowds and fans throughout his career. According to McEnroe, over the years, Nole played the role of the villain of the Big Three, infiltrating the much-loved Roger and Rafa.

“Rafa and Roger have legendary reputations and they deserve it. They were incredible. Novak not only matched them, but surpassed them both in terms of results, which seemed impossible. Rafa and Roger are both people magnificent. They are loved and respected by everyone in the world. Novak, on the other hand, is treated unfairly“But I think, in some sense, there’s always a need for a good guy and a bad guy. Having rivalries like this helps the sport, but it was unfair to him, frankly, because it “is a great man for our sport, both on and off the field,” he added. McEnroe said.

The big 3
The big 3© Julian Finney / Getty Images Sport Staff

The American legend then took the opportunity to congratulate the Serbian champion for the way he transforms an energy that is not always perceived as positive.

“Novak did something I couldn’t do brilliantly: applying the maxim ‘bad weather, good luck’.
When people want to see the challenger or a not-so-famous face win, he uses that as fuel to keep going. This is an impressive quality that cannot be underestimated.”
he said.