
Who are Biden’s representatives in the post-debate Spin Room? Complete list

President Joe Biden and former President Donald J. Trump will stand alone on stage in a CNN studio, separated by six feet of distance and divergent ideologies. Although they are only six feet apart, their two advisers will be positioned in adjacent lounges, as will first lady Jill Biden, who is expected to be in attendance.

Who will be present in the green rooms of the two candidates?

During a well-attended event following a televised debate between the President Joe Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, both candidates are supported by teams of advisers and representatives in a dedicated discussion room. The event, marked by its high stakes and partisan divisions, will focus attention not only on the candidates’ performances but also on the strategic presence of their respective representatives.

Although they will be only eight feet apart, their two advisers will be positioned in adjacent green rooms, as will First Lady Jill Biden, who is expected to be in attendance.

Biden Spin Room Representatives:

Marie Trumpdistant niece of Donald Trump